Hi all,
This post is related to the former one (Correction of HDR images) and this problem is not solved yet. I tried the suggestion of @Greg_Ward to use -h to pcompos and pcomb. The script about the whole calibration process is as follows:
ra_xyze -r -o 1.hdr > 1_r.hdr
pcompos -x 3580 -y 3580 -h 1_r.hdr -955 -37 > 1_cr.hdr
pcomb -h -f ${hdr}/fisheye_corr.cal -o 1_cr.hdr > 1_eqd.hdr
pcomb -h -f ${hdr}/vignetting_fX.cal -o 1_eqd.hdr > 1_vi.hdr
pcomb -h -s 1.24 1_vi.hdr > 1_cf.hdr
pfilt -1 -x 1000 -y 1000 1_cf.hdr > 1_re.hdr
(getinfo < 1_re.hdr | sed "/VIEW/d" && getinfo - < 1_re.hdr) > 1_w.hdr
getinfo -a "VIEW = -vta -vv 180 -vh 180" < 1_w.hdr > 1_c.hdr
falsecolor -i 1_c.hdr -e -s a > 1_f.hdr
evalglare -V 1_c.hdr >> Ev.txt
The error is like this:
When I didn’t use -h option and error is like this:
Then I checked the exposure of image 1_cr.hdr using pcompos and its exposure entry is changed. It seems that the dcrawback of pcompos(Radiance 5.4a (2022-02-06)) still exist after that fix.(Usage of ximage - #4 by Greg_Ward)
Any advice or solution to this problem is appreciated!