weather data in radiance

dear all
hi,i have a question about the weather data in radiance simulation. i want
to know which items of weather data is used in a daylight simulation by the
radiance software.
thanks for your help
Shailan Zareiy

Radiance doesn't take weather data directly. The gensky and gendaylit programs in Radiance can use some information from weather tapes to adjust their sky models, but there aren't any built-in utilities to handle weather tapes.

Daysim does have such utilities, and we are hoping to add some facilities in the next year or so.



From: shailan zareiy <[email protected]>
Date: October 7, 2012 1:18:08 PM PDT

dear all
hi,i have a question about the weather data in radiance simulation. i want to know which items of weather data is used in a daylight simulation by the radiance software.
thanks for your help
Shailan Zareiy


just one hint - if you need to process weather data, tr (to replace separators) and awk (to select and reformat fields of records) will be helpful to load the relevant fields into gendaylit. Both are standard tools in any Unix-like system, includig Mac OS X and Linux.

Cheers, Lars.

so you mean that radiance extracts the sky conditions such as sky clearness
from the weather data not just altitude and longitude of the city?


On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 1:14 AM, Greg Ward <[email protected]> wrote:

Radiance doesn't take weather data directly. The gensky and gendaylit
programs in Radiance can use some information from weather tapes to adjust
their sky models, but there aren't any built-in utilities to handle weather

Daysim does have such utilities, and we are hoping to add some facilities
in the next year or so.


*From: *shailan zareiy <[email protected]>

*Date: *October 7, 2012 1:18:08 PM PDT


dear all
hi,i have a question about the weather data in radiance simulation. i want
to know which items of weather data is used in a daylight simulation by the
radiance software.
thanks for your help
Shailan Zareiy

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Hi Shailan!

so you mean that radiance extracts the sky conditions such as sky clearness from the weather data not just altitude and longitude of the city?

That is what gendaylit is typically used for. Please check the manpage at GENDAYLIT :

" /Gendaylit/ produces a RADIANCE scene description based on an angular distribution of the daylight sources (direct+diffuse) for the given atmospheric conditions (direct and diffuse component of the solar radiation), date and local standard time. The default output is the radiance of the sun (direct) and the sky (diffus) integrated over the visible spectral range (380-780 nm). We have used the calculation of the sun's position and the ground brightness models which were programmed in /gensky. (...)"

/Cheers, Lars./