"-z" option for falsecolor2.csh is missing?

Hi, list,

The "-z" option for falsecolor2.exe seems not available for the Unix
version of "falsecolor2.csh":

May I ask how to get a falsecolor image with the legend starting from zero
by using falsecolor2.csh under Unix/MacOSX?


- Ji

There should be no CSH version of falsecolor2. The "2" is there to
distinguish the Python implementation of the old falsecolor CSH script from
the original precisely because there are command line options that are not
available in the original program.

That said, you can use falsecolor2 on any system that provides Python. Mac
OS X comes with Python preinstalled and I don't think there are any
problems with any of the default Python versions. You have to download the
source file from the Google Code repository:

You only need the "falsecolor2.py" file for command line operations. It
behaves almost like the CSH original and also provides help if you add a
"-h" to the command line arguments.



On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Ji Zhang <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi, list,

The "-z" option for falsecolor2.exe seems not available for the Unix
version of "falsecolor2.csh":

May I ask how to get a falsecolor image with the legend starting from zero
by using falsecolor2.csh under Unix/MacOSX?


- Ji

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