Venetian blinds Simulation

Hello Everyone,

I am involved in the simulations of interior Venetian blinds in a
10' wide, 18' long and 10' high
office room with one 6 ' by 6 ' window placed on the south
oriented wall. The window sill height is 3'.

I am observing that the illuminance levels inside the room (at the
sensor point close to the window) are higher with the interior
Venetian blinds placed in the model (4500 lux) as compared to the
model without the blinds (3000 lux).
Also even though the illuminance levels are much higher (at the
level of 4500 lux close to the window) there is no glare index
observed (that is value of Daylight glare index DGI is equal to

I am attaching all the files related to he modeling along with
the input files and the octree files. I might sound very naive to
you, please excuse me for any ignorance on my part, I am very new
to the Radiance as well as UNIX. I have used the PICO text editor
as vi text editor was having some problems in my system. There is
a file named command, in the folder attached, it has all the
commands that I have used in compiling and generating different
components of the model. finalmultiplesim1.csh is the shell script
used and January.out is the output file.

I would appreciate some suggestions as to where I might be going
wrong with the simulations.

Thank you.

Graduate student and Research Assistant
M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction.
University Of Florida.

room.rad (1.94 KB)