I understand there is something called "Scheduled Surface Gains" that you
can use for "importing" solar gains in surfaces. However, I am not sure if
this is advisable because of the difficulties in calculating the solar
gains on each surface. Also, if I remember correctly, Andy's method did not
calculate solar inter-reflection on interior surfaces, so I believe that
the "standard" EnergyPlus CFS calculation should do...? it will
re-distribute the beam radiation just as Radiance would... the diffuse,
though, I believe is averaged.
Using Andy's method, I believe, would be justified in cases with complex
interior and exterior geometries, where Radiance's ray-tracing works better.
That is my opinion... not sure what others may think.
2014-04-08 18:50 GMT-03:00 Andrew McNeil <[email protected]>:
genBSDF "change wavelength tag from visible to NIR":
Since that presentation the tag used by Window has been changed from NIR
to solar, so you should use solar.
Creating Surface Heat Gain Schedule:
We created a pseudo view matrix by tracing rays from the window into the
space and binning rays based on the intersection location and material
modifier. You can use genklemsamp, but have to flip the sign on the z
component of the vector.
Using Schedules in EnergyPlus:
"EnergyPls code modified to allow schedule of surface heat gains"
(modification by Thierry Nouidui and Brian Coffey). I was wondering if this
has be implemented, if so how? I saw in the EnergyPlus EMS manual that the
EMS system can be used to control exterior building variable, is this the
same system?
The ability to schedule internal surface heat gains has been incorporated
into the trunk of EnergyPlus starting with version 8.1. The relevant
objects are:
The built in BSDF module gives identical results as using Radiance to
determine solar absorption in the CFS layers. However using Radiance
offers some improvement in the interior distribution of energy (though it
might not be worth using Radiance for this now that EnergyPlus has built in
BSDF capabilities).
That is the extent of my knowledge of EnergyPlus. I don't want to be
mistaken for someone who knows things about EnergyPlus.
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Lars O. Grobe <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Justin!
> genBSDF "change wavelength tag from visible to NIR":
> How would one go about running genBSDF for NIR? I read somewhere that
the material properties should be changed for NIR, but we're not sure how
to do that. Is there a hidden function that can be added to genBSDF to run
for NIR?
genBSDF as Radiance offer three channels. Usually we fill those with
data for three bands in the visible light range and call them RGB. However
you can assign them NIR if you need to. In this case, make R=G=B=NIR,
meaning that you need to first define you NIR band and than use reflection
/ transmission measured for this band when setting up you model. Run
genBSDF and the resulting output will be the BSDF in the NIR-band as you
defined it. The tag mentioned is in the XML-file, open it with a text
editor to change it.
Did anyone get a similar approach working with ESP-r?
Cheers, Lars.
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