Hi everyone,
I am doing a simple case in Radiance, there is a rectangular house and an array of lighting on the ceiling. I use the following command to get the oct file:
oconv course.mat lights.rad room.rad > scene1.oct
The lights.rad file is like:
!xform -t 1.2 1.3 2.75 -a 5 -t 2.4 0 0 -a 3 -t 0 2.7 0 erco.rad
But I have a question: if I change some parameters of the erco.rad file, it seems that I do not need to use oconv to compile the files again. So, I would like to ask which files are changed will lead to compiling the octree files again.
I remember that in the radiance_tutorial.pdf or radiance_cookbook, there is an introduction to this question. But I checked these two materials three times and didn’t find the part related to this question. So I have to ask you guys for help again. Thanks in advance for your help and efforts.