Firstly, to Lars grobe in reply to how I mapped the texture on to the
surface of the book from my last post. The book was made in Maya, nurbs
surface -> polygon -> obj2mesh , the texture mapping was also done in
maya, basically it's a planar map going straight through the book as
though you were reading it. The texture was just a photo looking
straight onto the book, and the planar map causes it to stretch and bend
on the surface the right amount. Wasn't tricky at all.
Secondly, was a bit confused by Georg's advice when you said -aa should
be increased, did you mean increased in accuracy? ie putting aa to a
lower value? Or did you mean increasing aa by setting it to a higher
value? Because the lower the aa value the more accurate the picture, so
I can only see setting aa lower than .15 as a good thing not higher?
Well anyway I definitely don't think aa is the problem anyway. Since the
last renders I sent out ive brightened the stained glass a bit so more
light gets in, and the results this time are pretty crazy! The glass is
rose window at the front is projecting loads of blotches of colour.
Check out these renders, in the first I used
-x 2560 -y 2048 -ar 128 -ad 512 -aa .15 -as 256 -ab 5
in the second I set the -aa to .10 and halved the ad and as , as the
rendering time would have been stupid
-x 2560 -y 2048 -ar 128 -ad 256 -aa .10 -as 128 -ab 5
The second has much larger colour splotches which suggests to me that
its not the ambient accuracy, and the splotch are being cause by to low
ad and as. So im doing a render now with ad and as up at 1024 and 512,
we shall see how that goes. If any one has any other ideas please say! I
need to get some results inside this building soon as my project is due
in soon!
Thanks guys!