smooth on meshes

Hi all, i'm enjoying wit a 3dsmax2mesh converter, but i've got some problems in the second stage (first stage vertexs, second stage normals), i've got obj2mesh as reference and using cvtri function to create the mesh faces , but an artifact has appeared in the contour line between light and shadow in some objects like spheres as in , i think i've seen something similar before in radiance docs or list, but now i dont remember where, any help?

Hi Ignacio,

Because the normal smoothing doesn't affect the underlying geometry, side shading such as shown in your image can exhibit unexpected behavior, where the actual shape of the surfaces determines the shadows. Some scanline-based renderers are able to compensate for this with specialized algorithms, but it's almost impossible to avoid in a ray-tracing system. You need to create a finer mesh to ameliorate the problem, though you'll never be able to eliminate it entirely. The only way to do that is to have the correct geometry to begin with -- i.e., by using a sphere in this case.



From: Ignacio Munarriz <[email protected]>
Date: May 25, 2007 12:47:59 PM PDT

Hi all, i'm enjoying wit a 3dsmax2mesh converter, but i've got some problems in the second stage (first stage vertexs, second stage normals), i've got obj2mesh as reference and using cvtri function to create the mesh faces , but an artifact has appeared in the contour line between light and shadow in some objects like spheres as in , i think i've seen something similar before in radiance docs or list, but now i dont remember where, any help?

Hi Ignacio,

3dsmax2mesh converter? what is this?


Ignacio Munarriz wrote:


Hi all, i'm enjoying wit a 3dsmax2mesh converter, but i've got some problems in the second stage (first stage vertexs, second stage normals), i've got obj2mesh as reference and using cvtri function to create the mesh faces , but an artifact has appeared in the contour line between light and shadow in some objects like spheres as in , i think i've seen something similar before in radiance docs or list, but now i dont remember where, any help?

Radiance-general mailing list
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# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Jack, it's a export plugin based on max sdk (software development kit) and on radiance meshes, max itself converts any geometry to meshes and the plugin .dle is only a bridge to rad meshes, the advantage to 3ds export is the no limitation in the number of faces per mesh, the minor size in disk of meshes, and uv texture coordinates export. I also prefer more open sources of geometry information, but sure you are agree with me that we are not going to change our clients habit to work with Autocad :slight_smile:

A basic plugin doesn't seems to be very difficult, unfortunately a urgent visualization project has arrrived to the studio, and i will abandone it for some time, when i've something i'll put it here... your own risk ;-))

Jack de Valpine escribi�:


Hi Ignacio,

3dsmax2mesh converter? what is this?


Ignacio Munarriz wrote:

Hi all, i'm enjoying wit a 3dsmax2mesh converter, but i've got some problems in the second stage (first stage vertexs, second stage normals), i've got obj2mesh as reference and using cvtri function to create the mesh faces , but an artifact has appeared in the contour line between light and shadow in some objects like spheres as in , i think i've seen something similar before in radiance docs or list, but now i dont remember where, any help?

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]