rview problem with radiance on hp-ux

I`m wondering, is rview a part of the radiance package, or is it a standalone program not usually shipped with hp-ux?
If its not in radiance, is there an alternate command in hp-ux that makes an image from an octtree?

Stein �ge Bruvoll

Fakultet for Arkitektur og Billedkunst

Stein �ge Bruvoll wrote:

I`m wondering, is rview a part of the radiance package, or is it a standalone program not usually shipped with hp-ux?

rivew is part of the Radiance package. It's the "quick & dirty" rendering program, used mainly for checking geometry and setting up views, opposed to rpict, which is used for high quality images.

If its not in radiance, is there an alternate command in hp-ux that makes an image from an octtree?

AFAIK, the only tools available to take an octree and create an image are the ones that come with Radiance (rview, rpict, rtrace, etc.).



      Rob Guglielmetti

e. [email protected]
w. www.rumblestrip.org

Stein �ge Bruvoll wrote:

I`m wondering, is rview a part of the radiance package, or is it a standalone program not usually shipped with hp-ux?
If its not in radiance, is there an alternate command in hp-ux that makes an image from an octtree?

Not that I'd be aware of its existence, even after some years with HP-UX. HP-UX 11.00 manpages don't show it neither. Maybe some (quiet old) Starbase (HP's ancient graphic lib) had something with that name.
I've just tried compiling Radiance 3R5 on HP-UX 10.0, that worked except an error in 'x11twind.c' . That could probably be fixed if you're really interested. On HPUX 11 I don't know.
My personal thought If you have PA-RiSC (HP's "Precision Architektur" CPU) hardware to use, but no compelling reasons to run HP-UX, Debian Linux offers a more standardized system, and it runs fairly well on non-Intel CPUs. Although the XFree server is not supported on all models and HP graphic cards ( = use PA-RISC for calculation).



pab-opto, Freiburg, Germany, www.pab-opto.de