Rendering with Radiance update on BookSurge/

Hi All,

Chas has managed to get "Rendering with Radiance" back up on Amazon, which was apparently quite painful. Thanks to his efforts, people can now order copies and expect to receive them faster than (n)ever.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Charles Ehrlich <[email protected]>
Date: August 3, 2007 2:47:47 PM PDT

Dear Greg,

You won't believe how much of a hassle it has been to deal with the behemoth to fix the problems with the publication of Rendering with Radiance.

It turns out, upon the sale of to, they no longer were making and selling hard cover books! AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL US!\!!$

With due outrage I finally got in touch with someone in the upper eschelons of and they are going to set us up with a "Advantage Account." In 30 days, at no cost, Rendering with Radiance will again be listed on! The details are unimportant, but basically they will be keeping a stock of 2 books on hand at all times allowing them to fulfill orders in as soon as 24 hour turnaround! Larger quantities will take 5-7 days.

I was demanding that they refund our initial publishing costs because of their mess-up and was considering switching back to Lighting Source. Problem with Lighting Source is that they do not have the same connections with the distribution warehouses. And so, I would have had to personally contact, Ingram, and the like to ask them to list our book on their databases. For now I think we still have a viable book to offer.

Please spread the word. Here's the link to Rendering with Radiance. The price is still $80.00. Sure beats the scalpers asking for $250 for a used copy.

ISBN-10: 0974538108
ISBN-13: 978-0974538105
