Rendering with image projection on surface: Error


I am doing a master thesis project with a partner, where a part of it is doing some renderings through Radiance.
I have no problem doing visualizations with DIVA4Rhino, but as soon as I start using Radiance, the following error occurs:

rpict: 1668 rays, 0.00% after 0.0014 hours
rpict: warning - picture file “Main4_50.hdr” using 105.8 MB of memory
rpict: max`picture: undefined function
rpict: 3215 rays, 0.00% after 0.0017 hours

We have seen this error before where it was related to the material.rad file and hdr pictures projected on surfaces. The error has earlier been connected to scaling of hdr pictures (A1 - ratio of height to width in, but we have checked this multiple times and it does not seem to be the issue.

Using hdr pictures seems in general to cause the error here. We have used a hdr picture of an oaked floor, and this is where the error happens. If we replace the hdr oak floor with a plastic material the simulation starts running right away. We have tried to replace the oak floor with another hdr image, and the same error occurs. Since the image Main4_50.hdr which we project to the sky does not course the error, we can state that the hdr error is surface related (maybe related?).

My partner does not get this error - we have exchanged folders to make sure that we had the same files, even bin and lib folders have been exchanged. We have also tried it on a third computer, where this error does also not occur, so it seems to be a problem on only my computer.

Could you help me solve this problem?

Best Regards