Rendering each matrix with 3 and 5 phase

Dear all,
I have been working on three and five phase methods for a couple months. I followed the two tutorials and all published presentation. I got stuck on rendering each matrix. I am trying to figure out by myself but I have not yet solved it. Here is the codes I used;

I downloaded the model from DIVA tutorial and export geometry and material to run with Radiance.
1. Rendering view matrix by using command vways pipe to rcontrib
oconv testroom.mat material.rad Reference_sky.rad Reference.rad ground.rad window.rad viewtxsursf.rad daymtxsurf.rad > Referencerender.oct

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500| rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld- -ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 Referencerender.oct

rcontrib: system - cannot open '.\viewpics\Reference_C:\Users\Thanyalak\Desktop\Test_5P\Reference-lessgrid\Rendering.bat3d.hdr' for writing: Invalid argument

Then I divided command into two lines

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500
rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld- -ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 Referencerender.oct
There are no any outputs come out and rcontrib was continuing run about 3-4 days then I closed it.

2. Rendering view matrix by using command rways pipe to rfluxmtx
oconv material.rad Reference.rad window.rad Reference_skyrfluxmtx.rad > Referencerender_rflux.oct
vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -ffc -ab 1 -ad 65536 -lw 2e-5 - windowfluxmtx.rad -i Referencerender_rflux.oct

145 pictures were created but they can't open with wxfalsecolor.
The warnings are shown >>>
Error loading image
line 967 readImageData
Line1000 analyzeImage

Could you please give me suggestion to fix these problems?

Best regards,
Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang
e-mail: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
Singapore University of Technology and Design

This email may contain confidential and/or proprietary information that is exempt from disclosure under applicable law and is intended for receipt and use solely by the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email, or any attachment, is strictly prohibited. Please delete the email immediately and inform the sender. Thank You

Hi Thanyalak,

For you second try with rfluxmtx, I think you are missing the output image
dimensions, try:
vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -x 500 -y 500 -ffc
-ab 1 -ad 65536 -lw 2e-5 -o {youroutputpath}/%03d.hdr - windowfluxmtx.rad
-i Referencerender_rflux.oct



On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang < [email protected]> wrote:

Dear all,

I have been working on three and five phase methods for a couple months. I
followed the two tutorials and all published presentation. I got stuck on
rendering each matrix. I am trying to figure out by myself but I have not
yet solved it. Here is the codes I used;

I downloaded the model from DIVA tutorial and export geometry and material
to run with Radiance.

1. Rendering view matrix by using command vways pipe to rcontrib

oconv testroom.mat material.rad Reference_sky.rad Reference.rad ground.rad
window.rad viewtxsursf.rad daymtxsurf.rad > Referencerender.oct

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500| rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld-
-ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn
Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 Referencerender.oct


rcontrib: system - cannot open '.\viewpics\Reference_C:\
for writing: Invalid argument

Then I divided command into two lines

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500

rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld- -ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5

There are no any outputs come out and rcontrib was continuing run about
3-4 days then I closed it.

2. Rendering view matrix by using command rways pipe to rfluxmtx

oconv material.rad Reference.rad window.rad Reference_skyrfluxmtx.rad >

vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -ffc -ab 1 -ad
65536 -lw 2e-5 - windowfluxmtx.rad -i Referencerender_rflux.oct

145 pictures were created but they can’t open with wxfalsecolor.

The warnings are shown >>>

Error loading image

line 967 readImageData

Line1000 analyzeImage

Could you please give me suggestion to fix these problems?

*Best regards,*

Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang

e-mail: [email protected]
*Singapore University of Technology and Design*

This email may contain confidential and/or proprietary information that is
exempt from disclosure under applicable law and is intended for receipt and
use solely by the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or
copying of this email, or any attachment, is strictly prohibited. Please
delete the email immediately and inform the sender. Thank You

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Taoning Wang
Building Technology and Urban Systems
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
774-243-4891 <510-495-8892>

Dear all,

First, I would like to thank Taoning very much for your kindly support.
I have already corrected the code as the suggestion.

oconv material.rad Reference.rad Reference_skyrfluxmtx.rad windowfluxmtxglow.rad > Referencerender_rflux.oct
vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -x 500 -y 500 -ffc -ab 1 -ad 65536 -lw 2e-5
-o .\images\vmx\window_%03d.hdr - windowfluxmtx.rad -i Referencerender_rflux.oct

There is a new error pop-up. Could you please suggest me for the new issue?
Error reading pixel values: pvalue read error
[cid:[email protected]]

Here, this is a link for the files that I used.

Best regards,
Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang
e-mail: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
Singapore University of Technology and Design
[cid:[email protected]]

Renderview_matrix.rar (184 KB)


From: Greg Ward [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 2:58 AM
To: Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Rendering each matrix with 3 and 5 phase

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Taoning Wang <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Rendering each matrix with 3 and 5 phase

Date: September 29, 2017 11:46:11 AM PDT

To: Radiance general discussion <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Reply-To: Radiance general discussion <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Hi Thanyalak,

For you second try with rfluxmtx, I think you are missing the output image dimensions, try:
vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -x 500 -y 500 -ffc -ab 1 -ad 65536 -lw 2e-5 -o {youroutputpath}/%03d.hdr - windowfluxmtx.rad -i Referencerender_rflux.oct


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Dear all,
I have been working on three and five phase methods for a couple months. I followed the two tutorials and all published presentation. I got stuck on rendering each matrix. I am trying to figure out by myself but I have not yet solved it. Here is the codes I used;

I downloaded the model from DIVA tutorial and export geometry and material to run with Radiance.
1. Rendering view matrix by using command vways pipe to rcontrib
oconv testroom.mat material.rad Reference_sky.rad Reference.rad ground.rad window.rad viewtxsursf.rad daymtxsurf.rad > Referencerender.oct

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500| rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld- -ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 Referencerender.oct

rcontrib: system - cannot open '.\viewpics\Reference_C:\Users\Thanyalak\Desktop\Test_5P\Reference-lessgrid\Rendering.bat3d.hdr' for writing: Invalid argument

Then I divided command into two lines

vwrays -vf Reference.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500
rcontrib -x 500 -y 359 -ld- -ffc -fo -o .\viewpics\Reference_%03d.hdr -f -b kbinS -bn Nkbins -m viewsurf -ab 2 -ad 65536 -lw 1.52e-5 Referencerender.oct
There are no any outputs come out and rcontrib was continuing run about 3-4 days then I closed it.

2. Rendering view matrix by using command rways pipe to rfluxmtx
oconv material.rad Reference.rad window.rad Reference_skyrfluxmtx.rad > Referencerender_rflux.oct
vwrays -vf Reference1.vf -ff -x 500 -y 500 | rfluxmtx -v -ffc -ab 1 -ad 65536 -lw 2e-5 - windowfluxmtx.rad -i Referencerender_rflux.oct

145 pictures were created but they can't open with wxfalsecolor.
The warnings are shown >>>
Error loading image
line 967 readImageData
Line1000 analyzeImage

Could you please give me suggestion to fix these problems?

Best regards,
Thanyalak Srisamranrungruang
e-mail: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
Singapore University of Technology and Design

This email may contain confidential and/or proprietary information that is exempt from disclosure under applicable law and is intended for receipt and use solely by the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email, or any attachment, is strictly prohibited. Please delete the email immediately and inform the sender. Thank You

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

Taoning Wang
Building Technology and Urban Systems
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>