removing legend on falsecolor "error"

Hi all,

I am using the newly incorporated falsecolor option -lw to remove the legend from the falsecolor image all together. I need to do this because I'm generating many images at the same scale, so don't want to have to remove the scale and resize the image.

% falsecolor -i picture1.pic -lw 0 -s 10 > picture_falsecolor1.pic
% falsecolor -i picture2.pic -lw 0 -s 10 > picture_falsecolor2.pic


However, because I need a scale to compare my images against, I use falsecolor without the -lw option

% falsecolor -i picture1.pic -s 10 > picture_falsecolor_legend.pic

The problem is, the color on the image with the legend is completely different from the color on the image without the legend.

Is there an option that I am missing to synchronize the color scale?


Sorry all, Rob Guglimetti helped me to solve the problem.

I was using Photosphere which was automatically setting the exposure, and thus, the difference in color.



Begin forwarded message:

From: John An <[email protected]>
Date: May 6, 2004 5:01:31 PM EDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: removing legend on falsecolor "error"

Hi all,

I am using the newly incorporated falsecolor option -lw to remove the legend from the falsecolor image all together. I need to do this because I'm generating many images at the same scale, so don't want to have to remove the scale and resize the image.

falsecolor \-i picture1\.pic \-lw 0 \-s 10 &gt; picture\_falsecolor1\.pic falsecolor -i picture2.pic -lw 0 -s 10 > picture_falsecolor2.pic


However, because I need a scale to compare my images against, I use falsecolor without the -lw option

% falsecolor -i picture1.pic -s 10 > picture_falsecolor_legend.pic

The problem is, the color on the image with the legend is completely different from the color on the image without the legend.

Is there an option that I am missing to synchronize the color scale?


Are you using the latest falsecolor.csh from the HEAD release? It seems to work as expected when I try it. With and without the -lw option, I get the same basic coloring.



From: John An <[email protected]>
Date: May 6, 2004 2:01:31 PM PDT

Hi all,

I am using the newly incorporated falsecolor option -lw to remove the legend from the falsecolor image all together. I need to do this because I'm generating many images at the same scale, so don't want to have to remove the scale and resize the image.

falsecolor \-i picture1\.pic \-lw 0 \-s 10 &gt; picture\_falsecolor1\.pic falsecolor -i picture2.pic -lw 0 -s 10 > picture_falsecolor2.pic


However, because I need a scale to compare my images against, I use falsecolor without the -lw option

% falsecolor -i picture1.pic -s 10 > picture_falsecolor_legend.pic

The problem is, the color on the image with the legend is completely different from the color on the image without the legend.

Is there an option that I am missing to synchronize the color scale?
