ranimat HOST setting


I am wondering what exactly happens if I give a host-setting like this to ranimate:
host=localhost 2 ~/example lars

Will this start rpict three times (so that there are three independent processes), or will they share memory?

The background: I am using openmosix to cluster, and this doesn't support the shared memory feature, so I usually simply start rpict three times. The processes are migrated than to other hosts.

A, yes, I have the same question for rad -N ...

TIA*CU, Lars.

Hi Lars,

The case you give below will start 2 processes on localhost from the directory ~/example for the user name lars. On a normal system (eg non openmosix) this would start rpict processes with the -PP option enabled to share memory (as indicated in the man page). However in your case this is a problem with openmosix. Not sure what a good solution is. You could try breaking your animation down into a set of separate sequences and have sepearte ranimate files for each. Then you might be able to use the "runon" command from openmosix. to specify where (what node number in the cluster) each job should be started. I cannot remember though if runon locks the processes to the indicated node in the cluster or still allows for migration from the node. You may need to figure out how to force the processes not to migrate.


Lars O. Grobe wrote:



I am wondering what exactly happens if I give a host-setting like this to ranimate:
host=localhost 2 ~/example lars

Will this start rpict three times (so that there are three independent processes), or will they share memory?

The background: I am using openmosix to cluster, and this doesn't support the shared memory feature, so I usually simply start rpict three times. The processes are migrated than to other hosts.

A, yes, I have the same question for rad -N ...

TIA*CU, Lars.

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thank you for the reply. I will try to use more than one host-line per machine, I guess that ranimate won't catch that and will start one process per host-line, without giving -PP to rpiece. So the processes will be started via ssh on the localhost. Hope this works... I am desperatly needing a way to speed up rendering times at the moment... :wink:

CU Lars.