Radzilla again

Hi giulio,

Thanks for the info,great! it's working when i using
text editor(write thier primitives and parameters
details)but then when I used exported object from maya
to radiance(.obj)is not working is show the error such
as(fatal-cannot find function file "rayinit.cal" ).is
it I did the wrong way during I install the radzilla?

Many thanks,

Message: 4


Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:20:14 +0100
From: "Giulio Antonutto" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: [Radiance-general] Radzilla-anybody help
To: "Radiance general discussion"
  <[email protected]>

<[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


try this:

rzpict -x 600 -y 400 -vp 61 14 -29 -vd -3 -0.4 1 -vu
0 0 1 -av .6 .6
.6 -o image.pic scene.zoct

the trick is the '-o image.pic'

hope this works,



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of ida
Sent: 05 July 2005 06:37
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] Radzilla-anybody help me?

Thanks Francesco,

I have done test it by putting /rzpict -vp 61 14 -29
-vd -3 -0.4 1 -av

.6 .6 .6 -x 600 -y 400 scene.zoct but it come out

the anonymous
character (is not image). Is it having any fix value
for width and
height? Or is it I'm did the wrong way?



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this is the usual problem of defining your 'environment variables' or
putting the libraries somewhere on the disk.

The shortcut is, when compiling radzilla, indicate the location of these
libraries and save these files there.
Just look for rayinit.cal on your disk, is it there? If not you need to
download the libraries (look either on Carsten web site or on the
official radiance web site)

If you have a precompiled version of radiance, just look over the past
messages for environmental variables, there should be a full lot of
messages about this out there.

you need to, depending on your terminal, define a variable called
RAYPATH that tells the terminal where radiance libraries are kept
(assuming you installed them).

just try to understand if you are using bash (\) or tcsh \(%\) first \(open the terminal and look for the last character before the blinking cursor, is it % or ?),
then locate the user profile file (that has a different name depending
on the above... it may be ~/.bash_profile for bash and ~/.tcshrc if you
use tcsh).
add the proper line to define RAYPATH

so I would suggest you to try using a text editor to change the file...
and remember to use UNIX line ending. Try with a copy of the file 1st,
just to be sure.

When you have done check by
opening a new terminal
typing env
you should show the new defined variable:




PS which platform are you using radzilla on?


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of ida
Sent: 05 July 2005 13:08
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] Radzilla again

Hi giulio,

Thanks for the info,great! it's working when i using
text editor(write thier primitives and parameters
details)but then when I used exported object from maya
to radiance(.obj)is not working is show the error such
as(fatal-cannot find function file "rayinit.cal" ).is
it I did the wrong way during I install the radzilla?

Many thanks,

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:20:14 +0100
From: "Giulio Antonutto" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: [Radiance-general] Radzilla-anybody help
To: "Radiance general discussion"
  <[email protected]>

<[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


try this:

rzpict -x 600 -y 400 -vp 61 14 -29 -vd -3 -0.4 1 -vu
0 0 1 -av .6 .6
.6 -o image.pic scene.zoct

the trick is the '-o image.pic'

hope this works,



From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of ida
Sent: 05 July 2005 06:37
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] Radzilla-anybody help me?

Thanks Francesco,

I have done test it by putting /rzpict -vp 61 14 -29
-vd -3 -0.4 1 -av

.6 .6 .6 -x 600 -y 400 scene.zoct but it come out

the anonymous
character (is not image). Is it having any fix value
for width and
height? Or is it I'm did the wrong way?



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Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]


so my reply comes a bt late, as the questions are already answered -thanx very much!

The basic idea is that current radzilla is not 'standalone' and thus relies on a working classic Radiance installation. Classic Radiance offers a lot of helper files for all sorts of calculations in conjunction with the functional language, and when the program needs one ot these, especially the initialization file 'rayinit.cal', it searches the directories listed in the mentioned 'RAYPATH' shell enviromment variable. And in this respect radzilla behaves just like classic Radiance.
The whole environment variable business may indeed seem a bit strange at the first glance to those less aquainted with the UNIX/Linux world,
especially because you set these variables 'globally' in your shell init file, which itself has nothing to to with Radiance or radzilla..
The alternative (not implemented) approach would be to put this sort of information in some kind of .radiancerc or .radzillarc file in a users home directory.
