radzilla 1.1 build

Well, getting there, I bit more work and some more help please Carsten.
There were errors as shown in the ./makeall log below. Have included part of .tcshrc and env as well.
A few points to mention,

1. I use TCSH
2. Have set up~ established /Applications/Radiance/lib/ray
3. The rz execs were created and placed loose by the makeall into /Applications/Radiance
4. How is set RAYPATH set?…same syntax as PATH?……I have a conceptual block about RAY(or any other exec)PATH as opposed to path
5. I did edit the .tcshrc manually after running the makeall since I found that the qt paths were still incorrect…though thinking about it the makeall would not edit the .tcshrc would it?
6. it seems to my there is no automatic 'dialogue' between env and .tcshrc, they can hold conflicting setting?
…… ./makeall RADZILLA


Choice? 4
mkdir: /Users/patrickh/.radzilla: File exists
touch all code and auxiliary files
/Applications/radzilla/zlibs /Applications/radzilla


mv rzoconv rzpict rzvu rztrace /Applications/Radiance
/Applications/radzilla/zutil /Applications/radzilla
g++ -o zform readfargs.o zform.o ../zprogs/otypestuff.o \
        -L../zlibs -lrad2 -lrad1
g++ -o radz loadvars.o radz.o -L../zlibs -lrad2 -lrad1 -lm
g++ -o rza_t16 rza_t16.o -L../zlibs -lrad2 -lrad1 -lm
mv zform radz rza_t16 /Applications/Radiance
cp addfclegend /Applications/Radiance/addfclegend

Installation of commandline programs finished.
Building QT based GUI program radzilla ...

/Applications/radzilla/qt /Applications/radzilla


_LLCStyleInfoGetUserRunFeatures referenced from QuickTime expected to be defined in ApplicationServices
make: *** [radzilla2] Error 1
mv radzilla /Applications/Radiance
mv: radzilla: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
[PowerBook:/Applications/radzilla] patrickh%



[PowerBook:~] patrickh% env


RAYPATH=.:/Users/patrickh/mylib:/usr/local/lib/ray ……well thats wrong
[PowerBook:~] patrickh%


[PowerBook:~] patrickh% pico ~/.tcshrc……after my edit of it


setenv QTDIR /Developer/qt
setenv PATH $QTDIR/bin:$PATH
setenv MANPATH $QTDIR/doc/man

set path = ( $path /opt/local/bin )
set path = ( $path /sw/bin )
set path = ( $path /sw/sbin )
set path = ( $path /usr/local/bin )
set path = ( $path /Applications/Radiance )
set path = ( $path /Applications/radzilla )



Hi Patrick,

cool, so the commandline stuff is through, let's tackle the rest..

4. How is set RAYPATH set?…same syntax as PATH?……I have a conceptual block about RAY(or any other exec)PATH as opposed to path

RAYPATH is just another environment variable like every other, so you can use the same syntax.

5. I did edit the .tcshrc manually after running the makeall since I found that the qt paths were still incorrect…though thinking about it the makeall would not edit the .tcshrc would it?

makeall doesn't edit your .tcshrc configuration file, it doesn't even know that it exists. For compiling radzilla, it is important that the correct
QT locations are set in the radzilla-specific configuration files via the 'Edit QT specific paramters..." option from the makeall script.

You've cut a lot from the makeall output, but the remaining bit seems to hint at some linking problem.
I'm a bit puzzled because according to your environment variable listings your
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to point to the QT stuff., so I need some more info.

Does the QT - moc stuff gets produced, does any of the QT files get compiled?
I would suggest that you send me the complete log of the makeall run to my personal email adress (cb -at- cb-d.de), and we continue this installation session off list




"Der Deckel muß zugehen." (P.Kölsch)
