Has anyone tried building Radiance in this environment yet? There are enough changes that some open source projects are having problems.
Hi Randolph,
I am staying with 10.13 so far, so no first-hand experience to share yet.
However, I am mostly relying on macports (fink and others are viable
alternatives, too) these days, since Apple tends to change things with
every update and ships a rather limited clang (e.g. no openmp libraries).
Another option is the PGI compiler suite for Mac OS and Linux. It is not
open source, but available under a community license and - according to
my experience - close to the intel compilers when it comes to
optimizations. One big advantage of the PGI software is that you can
install the same compiler on different platforms without the risk to
mess up the system (changing the compiler on Linux can sometimes cause
more trouble than expected…).
Cheers, Lars.
Yah. I’ve worked some with Macports, even built most of a Portfile for Radiance (but the click-through license defeated me), so I’m on the Macports mailing list and the complaints about 10.14 are fairly impressive.
We’re going to have to face up to this sooner or later.
I have confirmed that the “cabin” example runs on MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) compiled with Xcode 10. Now, on to Mojave!
And, it works on Mojave. But there’s a twist. Christopher Jones, research associate of the High Energy Physics Group at Cambridge, writes:
The maintainer of the Xquartz releases has stated that they may well no longer make releases there, and only maintain the MacPorts provided version (via the xorg-server port) going forward.
Sigh. For the moment Xquartz works, but who knows for how long?
Which reminds me. I have to update MacPorts on my system.
Thanks, Randolph. Never ends…
I guess we will have to look at all this sooner than later, though it’s not a funded effort.