Radiance model workflow to Unity Engine

Hello everyone, i am a beginner here, please excuse my newbie questions. I am working on a project that is trying to integrate a 3D building model to Unity Engine for the purpose of Virtual Reality using Radiance as the daylight render.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Currently my workflow is supposedly to be:

  1. Rhino for building the model
  2. Use of a plug-in with Radiance such as Climate Studio/ Honey Bee
  3. Import the Radiance model into the Unity Engine

Thank you and I appreciate all your expert help!

If your surfaces are all rectangular and composed of diffuse surfaces, you can render them using parallel views and create HDR texture maps to import to Unity, I believe. Odd-shaped surfaces and windows will prove more challenging. I don’t know of any general way to translate view-dependent appearance into a VR system like Unity.

Maybe there are some others who have done this successfully. It’s not really a newbie problem, even if you think it’s a newbie question.


Hi Greg,

Thanks for your input, I will need some time to digest your terminologies. Do you happen to have come across any papers that have done a similar workflow? 3D Modeling → Import and Rendering with Radiance based plug-ins → Import to Unity (Or other softwares) for VR purposes. Would definitely aid in my understanding of the project at hand!

To assist anyone who might find this post useful, here is a link to a research paper that I find helpful and am using as a reference as well.
Paper is called “Adequacy of Immersive Virtual Reality for the Perception of Daylit Spaces: Comparison of Real and Virtual Environments” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15502724.2017.1404918

Thank you so much.

Richard Gillibrand worked on something along these lines using Maya decades ago, presenting some of his results at the 2003 Radiance workshop here. Google will point you to other presentations. Patrick Ledda worked with him on this under Alan Chalmers at Bristol University.

I think Stephen Wasilewski also did some VR visualizations while he was at Loisos+Ubbelohde, presenting it at the 2017 workshop here.

I’m certain there are others as well.

Hi Desmond,

check out this thread from last year:

I believe @danka was working on something very similar that may be quite a bit more applicable then my work which use a single stereo equirectangular projection instead of a cube map which I think is a matter of which output device / engine you are using.

Thank you for the replies Stephen and Greg, will take a look at your links. :slight_smile: