[Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting analysis.

Hi German,

I have cross-posted this reply to the radiance-openstudio list.

To change the reflectance of a material in OpenStudio, you need to change the *absorptance* to the inverse of the reflectance you want. Since OpenStudio's first allegiance is to EnergyPlus, materials are monochromatic and take absorptance rather than reflectance as a parameter. We need to work within the EnergyPlus worldview for now.

Remember, in OpenStudio parlance, surfaces have *constructions* applied to them, which are made up of one or more materials. So the process is first you need to identify what construction is applied to your surface, then look at the makeup of the construction, to find the material that affects your light reflectance (absorptance). Make sense?

In the future we'd like to add direct entering of Radiance material parameters so you can include specularity and roughness (and color), but for now it's diffuse gray. =)

- Rob


From: Germán Molina Larrain [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting analysis.

ok! thanks! how do you do it on Open Studio anyway???

2013/4/29 Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Well, it's a good start, and it keeps things simpler, anyway.

- Rob

From: Germán Molina Larrain [mailto:[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 2:28 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting analysis.

haha, I know things are not free.

So, basically using grey diffusing materials with relatively correct reflectivity would be great for achieving good numbers?



2013/4/29 Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Hi German,

Yeah, modeling materials can be tricky, particularly if you want accuracy. Life is not always fair, you get what you pay for, and there's also no such thing as a free lunch, either. =)

For me, doing relative studies of architectural scenes, it's always made sense to keep things simple which does mean keeping color out of the equation (both for materials and light sources), and using generally diffuse materials (which is really the majority of architectural materials that cover broad expanses of interior spaces). When specularity is a critical component of a surface, such as in light redirecting materials, I resort to BSDFs or other means of describing the light scattering (photometric distribution file resulting from light forwards ray tracing exercise, usually).

Some amazing things can be done with textures and patterns to enhance the realism of a rendering, but I'm generally more interested in numbers so I have not played with those too much. I can tell you that you are automatically introducing more variables to the physical definition of the surface to which you are applying those textures and patterns, so tread carefully.

Material definition has been discussed at length on this list, so I'd search the archives. Also check out Carsten Bauer's amazing textures and patterns from his Workshop talk in 2002 (linked on the Radiance-online.org website) for inspiration as to what's possible with textures, patterns, and the Radiance functional language -- sick stuff!


Rob Guglielmetti
NREL Commercial Buildings Research Group
Golden, CO 80401
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Germán Molina Larrain [[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 09:46 AM Mountain Standard Time
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: [Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting analysis.
Dear List,

I am a starter on the use of Radiance, and I have some doubts about the modeling (of the real world, as it always is, in engineering at least). I have heard that material reflectivity is a very important parameter that. How important are:

- Color (I am pretty sure I read something in this list about grey-world simulations... I think it was Rob).
- Textures
- Specularities
- Patterns

My concern is that defining materials is actually not a very easy task, so I just wanted to know what are the most important things here.



Radiance-general mailing list
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Radiance-general mailing list
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Very clear,

thanks very much Rob.


2013/4/29 Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]>

Hi German,****

** **

I have cross-posted this reply to the radiance-openstudio list. ****

** **

To change the reflectance of a material in OpenStudio, you need to change
the **absorptance** to the inverse of the reflectance you want. Since
OpenStudio’s first allegiance is to EnergyPlus, materials are monochromatic
and take absorptance rather than reflectance as a parameter. We need to
work within the EnergyPlus worldview for now. ****

** **

Remember, in OpenStudio parlance, surfaces have **constructions** applied
to them, which are made up of one or more materials. So the process is
first you need to identify what construction is applied to your surface,
then look at the makeup of the construction, to find the material that
affects your light reflectance (absorptance). Make sense?****

** **

In the future we’d like to add direct entering of Radiance material
parameters so you can include specularity and roughness (and color), but
for now it’s diffuse gray. =)****

** **

- Rob****

** **

*From:* Germán Molina Larrain [mailto:[email protected]]
*Sent:* Monday, April 29, 2013 2:56 PM

*To:* Radiance general discussion
*Subject:* Re: [Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting

** **

ok! thanks! how do you do it on Open Studio anyway???****

** **

2013/4/29 Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]>****

Well, it’s a good start, and it keeps things simpler, anyway. ****


- Rob****


*From:* Germán Molina Larrain [mailto:[email protected]]
*Sent:* Monday, April 29, 2013 2:28 PM
*To:* Radiance general discussion
*Subject:* Re: [Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting


haha, I know things are not free.****


So, basically using grey diffusing materials with relatively correct
reflectivity would be great for achieving good numbers?****






2013/4/29 Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]>****

Hi German,

Yeah, modeling materials can be tricky, particularly if you want accuracy.
Life is not always fair, you get what you pay for, and there's also no such
thing as a free lunch, either. =)

For me, doing relative studies of architectural scenes, it's always made
sense to keep things simple which does mean keeping color out of the
equation (both for materials and light sources), and using generally
diffuse materials (which is really the majority of architectural materials
that cover broad expanses of interior spaces). When specularity is a
critical component of a surface, such as in light redirecting materials, I
resort to BSDFs or other means of describing the light scattering
(photometric distribution file resulting from light forwards ray tracing
exercise, usually).

Some amazing things can be done with textures and patterns to enhance the
realism of a rendering, but I'm generally more interested in numbers so I
have not played with those too much. I can tell you that you are
automatically introducing more variables to the physical definition of the
surface to which you are applying those textures and patterns, so tread

Material definition has been discussed at length on this list, so I'd
search the archives. Also check out Carsten Bauer's amazing textures and
patterns from his Workshop talk in 2002 (linked on the Radiance-online.org
website) for inspiration as to what's possible with textures, patterns, and
the Radiance functional language -- sick stuff!


Rob Guglielmetti
NREL Commercial Buildings Research Group
Golden, CO 80401
[email protected]****

-----Original Message-----
*From: *Germán Molina Larrain [[email protected]]
*Sent: *Friday, April 26, 2013 09:46 AM Mountain Standard Time
*To: *Radiance general discussion
*Subject: *[Radiance-general] Modeling the real world for lighting

Dear List, ****


I am a starter on the use of Radiance, and I have some doubts about the
modeling (of the real world, as it always is, in engineering at least). I
have heard that material reflectivity is a very important parameter that.
How important are:****


- Color (I am pretty sure I read something in this list about grey-world
simulations... I think it was Rob).****

- Textures****

- Specularities****

- Patterns****



My concern is that defining materials is actually not a very easy task, so
I just wanted to know what are the most important things here.****





Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

** **

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]