Radiance download for Mac Studio - for beginner

Hi guys,

I have a Mac Studio with lady bug tools 1-6-0 installed. I have downloaded the radiance OSX.pkg however I believe this may be incompatible with Mac Studio? It installs, but there is no application? And in attempt to run my daylight simulation it says that there is no radiance program installed.

Does anyone know how I can download this to my Mac Studio? I have also downloaded another version with OSX_arm extension as I thought this is what is required for Mac Studios, however the zip file just seems to have sub folders rather than an installer.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi @Courtney1111,

Welcome to the Radiance discourse forum. There is no “application.” You just need to make sure that the Radiance bin folder has been added to you Unix $PATH environment variable, and your Radiance lib folder has been added to your Unix $RAYPATH environment variable. Ideally, an installer should do this for you, but if it doesn’t, you can edit these variables manually.

Hi @Nathaniel_Jones,
I’m also having this problem when installing. I used the installer to install Radians on my Mac, however, while inputing commands in terminal, it still shows that “commands not found”. What should I do for this situation?


Hi @ZoeyUU,

Welcome to the Radiance discourse.

Have you checked that the Radiance bin folder has been added to you Unix $PATH environment variable, and your Radiance lib folder has been added to your Unix $RAYPATH environment variable? If you don’t know how to do this, there are websites that explain how to set up environment variables on a Mac.