Problems with rpiece

Hi! I'm here again.

I've recently discovered I was just using 1/4 of my cpu speed, due the fact that I've got Core2 Quad and I wasn't using parallel rendering.

So I tried to implement it at least for rpict with rpiece.

first time i used it everything worked properly, but relaunching it with some changes, it stops processes reporting :

rpiece: requested piece (8,6) out of range


I'm using this commands from a csh script:

% echo 8 8 > sync.file
% echo -F sync.file -x 800 -y 600 -o view2.pic $rpict_par $par -vp -20 4 1.5 -vd 1 0 0 scene.oct > args
% rpiece @args &
% rpiece @args &
% rpiece @args &
% rpiece @args &

And is this the right way of using it on a quad processor?


[email protected] wrote:

So I tried to implement it at least for rpict with rpiece.

first time i used it everything worked properly, but relaunching it with some changes, it stops processes reporting :

You have to use the -R option instead of the -F option on a restart, I believe.

From the manpage:

The /-R/ option may be used instead of /-F/ if some of the pieces were not

       properly finished by previous (killed) runs of /rpiece./ This option
       should be used by at most one /rpiece/ process, which must be started
       first and with /no/ /other/ /rpiece/ /processes/ /running/ or else it will reren-
       der the same pieces other processes have begun. Once the recover
       process is started, you may start other /rpiece/ processes using the /-F/
       option to run simultaneously. If some processes die during execution,
       leaving one or more half-finished pieces in the picture even though the
       other processes think the work is done, you may run a single /rpiece/
       with the /-R/ option by itself to repair the holes.