Does anyone know what causes the problem of out of memory in doambient? Actually my model is not too complicated, the rad file is around 7 mb, and the oct file is about 5.5 mb. And no special materials. If -ab is blow 5, the problem is gone, but the simulation is about 8h with -ab 4, which is much longer than I expected. Any hint?

The followings are the parameters I used for annual simulation with daysim. Btw, I would like to upload the rad files and pts files, but am not authorized to upload them. Who could please tell me how to get the authorization?
ps 4
pt 0.1
pj 0.9
lr 6
lw 0.01
dr 1
ds 0.25
dp 256
dt 0.25
dj 0.5
dc 0.5
ar 300
as 512
av 0
ab 4
aa 0.01
ad 1024
st 0.5
sj 0.7
Hi Aufalpen,
your ambient accuracy is incredibly strict. Usually you would expect 0.1 to 0.2 here. With a detailed scene (an octree of >5 MB is not what I’d call a simplified model) this will give a huge (=dense) ambient cache. You do not use an ambient file, so it has to be kept in memory.
Better switch off the cache (-aa 0) or stay wis settings at least >0.05.
Cheers, Lars.
Hi Lars, Thanks a lot for your reply! Yes, that is the issue causing the problem. Cool! I really appreciate it!