Porting to Windows


I am currently making an attempt to port Radiance 3.4 into Windows 2000. I have a question concerning the aux.h header file. As some of you already know, the header file aux.h is reserved exclusively for Windows. I was able to get the file onto my hard drive by renaming it aux2.h. What I am curious is to know which files (*.c) are associated with this header file. I did a text search for "aux.h" to see if it was listed as an <include> directive in any files but nothing turned up. I know this file is used somewhere and somehow but I don't know where. Please help.

Marcus Jacobs


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I am currently making an attempt to port Radiance 3.4 into Windows 2000.

But you are aware of a project called Desktop Radiance? http://radsite.lbl.gov

CU, Lars.

Marcus Jacobs wrote:


I am currently making an attempt to port Radiance 3.4 into Windows 2000. I
have a question concerning the aux.h header file. As some of you already
know, the header file aux.h is reserved exclusively for Windows. I was able
to get the file onto my hard drive by renaming it aux2.h. What I am curious
is to know which files (*.c) are associated with this header file. I did a
text search for "aux.h" to see if it was listed as an <include> directive in
any files but nothing turned up. I know this file is used somewhere and
somehow but I don't know where. Please help.

You know that there is a radiance-dev mailing list on the same
site here? That's where we're discussing non-user topics, and the
issues involved with the imminent porting of 3.4 to Windows are
an important topic of those discussions. If you haven't
subscribed there yet, I's suggest you do so and also consult the
recent archives, so you can avoid doing any duplicate work, or
going off on a tangent that conflicts with other plans.

Please note specifically, that the most recent version of 3.4
will be made available on public CVS soon. It has also seen a
number of changes since the version that you're probably working
with. Specifically, Greg has started with the ANSIfication of the
code, which will make porting much easier. You might want to wait
with any of your changes until you can apply them to the cutting
edge, so that they can be merged back into the official code base
with less effort.

It currently looks like I might become responsible for
coordinating the Windows porting efforts, but I'm sure nobody
will object to other people doing at least part of the work.
I also hope that LBNL will allow me to use code from the Windows
version 3.2 as included in Desktop Radiance and Rayfront (the
latter with some improvements of my own). We won't be able to
just copy those sources, as they are based on a Radiance version
that was forked off the main code base earlier on, but there are
some parts that might reduce the amount of work we'll have to do.

As to the actual question, the header file aux.h seems to be a
part of the OpenGL/X11 API, and is sometimes named glaux.h.
I don't see it actually in use anywhere, so you're probably save
to just leave it away.


Crossposting to radiance-dev, please reply there.


Georg Mischler -- simulations developer -- schorsch at schorsch com
+schorsch.com+ -- lighting design tools -- http://www.schorsch.com/

Hi Marcus,

I would strongly recommend that you wait for the 3.5 release due out the end of this month before doing any more work on this port. We plan to get a coordinated effort going on unifying the Radiance code for Unix and Windows, and will be asking others to help us at that time.

Having said that, you can safely ignore the "aux.h" file in src/common -- this must have come from some OpenGL toolkit that may have been used or needed at one time, but now is just flotsam in the code tree. In fact, I eliminated this file since the 3.4 release, and it won't be found in future releases.


I am currently making an attempt to port Radiance 3.4 into Windows 2000. I
have a question concerning the aux.h header file. As some of you already
know, the header file aux.h is reserved exclusively for Windows. I was able
to get the file onto my hard drive by renaming it aux2.h. What I am curious
is to know which files (*.c) are associated with this header file. I did a
text search for "aux.h" to see if it was listed as an <include> directive in
any files but nothing turned up. I know this file is used somewhere and
somehow but I don't know where. Please help.

Marcus Jacobs