platforms in use for Radiance


before this gets flooded with replys - if there is interest in this issue,
we could have a poll about radiance useage (again). This could include
application (visualization / research / daylight / lighting planning) as
well as technical stuff ( machine(s) / os / radiance release including
frontends like rayfront or derivates like radzilla) and general environment
(research / company / freelancer / ...).

Hi Lars, hi others, has been there
since Jan 2005, but presumably remained largely unknown.
Maybe I should split "package type" into MacOS, Linux (IMHO splitting it
into dists won't generate much insight) and Unix-other.



pab-opto, Freiburg, Germany,
[see web page to check digital email signature]

Hi Peter! has been there
since Jan 2005, but presumably remained largely unknown.

I knew it (my "again" was for that ;-), but I did not know that is is still
going on.

Maybe I should split "package type" into MacOS, Linux (IMHO splitting it
into dists won't generate much insight) and Unix-other.

And the Windows guys that are brave enough to visit radiance-online... :slight_smile:

One problem I see with this type of ongoing polls is that the results do not
reflect a certain time. E.g. I guess I entered using Linux and being in an
academic environment at the time. This both changed, but I cannot edit,
while the poll is going on and there are still new entries added. So I
prefer a time-limited poll to reflect the community at one certain time or
something more dynamic (editable and thus correctable) to reflect always the
most recent state. This is quite a bit of work of course, the Linux Counter
Project is an example for such an approach.

On the other hand, the most interesting ressource for these issues is the
mailing list, the questions and contributions posted show a lot of the
useage, maybe more then a poll will ever show.

CU Lars.

Hi Lars,

the date of entry is one column in the database, so the display of
answers could be filtered to show a time interval (last days, all in
2005, etc).
The interface is intended to run for a longer time, excactly to show
changes in user pattern. The data is there, I just haven't done a more detailed web interface.
90 entries over time and lack of an "officially blessed state" for the survey had put it on low priority.



pab-opto, Freiburg, Germany,
[see web page to check digital email signature]