Pipe Transmission Matrix in 3 Phase Method

I am trying the 3 phase method example of the pipe that Andy made in the presentation. I am doing it using the sensor points method. It went smooth in the (Daylight Matrix, View Matrix, both BSDF.xml files) however there is a problem in the "pipe transmission matrix".
I am not sure when he meant in this line:
rfluxmtx -n 8 -ab 12 -ad 1000 -lw 1e-4 objects/LP_bottom.rad objects/LP_top.rad materials_glow.rad objects/LP_sides.rad > results/LP_trans.mtx
whether i should give the pipe a glow material or should i give it to the "top part" the glow material?
Another thing, do I have to insert the whole model.rad or the Light pipe sides should work fine?
I tried several options:
giving the sides a glow material, however when it ran it gave me several errors and a warning
rfluxmtx: internal - sample behind all sender elements!rcontrib: warning - partial accumulation in final recordrcontrib: fatal - unexpected EOF on input
I wish I could know why each error appears.
But in the end it generates a matrix file but the numbers inside seems irrational as they are all nx10^-5

However when I put glow materials to the top of the pipe only it gives me the following warning:
rcontrib: warning - aiming failure for light source "ttttttttt.nnn" t= text n=numbers
and it seems to be frozen and does not generate any matrix.
Is there any advice on what should be done to generate a pipe matrix and what materials to use?
Thanks for you assistance,Islam Mashaly.


Sorry for my delayed response. I used a glow material for generating the
pipe transmission matrix.

your error "rfluxmtx: internal - sample behind all sender elements!"
indicates that you probably have either the sender or receiver surface
normal reversed. You need to make sure that the surface normal of the
object at the top of your pipe (your receiver) faces into the pipe. And the
surface normal of the surface at the bottom of your pipe (sender) should
face outside of your pipe.



On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Islam Mashaly <[email protected]> wrote:


I am trying the 3 phase method example of the pipe that Andy made in the
presentation. I am doing it using the sensor points method. It went smooth
in the (Daylight Matrix, View Matrix, both BSDF.xml files) however there is
a problem in the "pipe transmission matrix".

I am not sure when he meant in this line:

rfluxmtx -n 8 -ab 12 -ad 1000 -lw 1e-4 objects/LP_bottom.rad
objects/LP_top.rad materials_glow.rad objects/LP_sides.rad >

whether i should give the pipe a glow material or should i give it to the
"top part" the glow material?

Another thing, do I have to insert the whole model.rad or the Light pipe
sides should work fine?

I tried several options:

giving the sides a glow material, however when it ran it gave me several
errors and a warning

rfluxmtx: internal - sample behind all sender elements!
rcontrib: warning - partial accumulation in final record
rcontrib: fatal - unexpected EOF on input

I wish I could know why each error appears.

But in the end it generates a matrix file but the numbers inside seems
irrational as they are all nx10^-5

However when I put glow materials to the top of the pipe only it gives me
the following warning:

rcontrib: warning - aiming failure for light source "ttttttttt.nnn" t=
text n=numbers

and it seems to be frozen and does not generate any matrix.

Is there any advice on what should be done to generate a pipe matrix and
what materials to use?

Thanks for you assistance,
Islam Mashaly.

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