PFILT is crashing constantly...

I've been having a very strange error,
one that makes me feel like it's something
that I'm doing wrong.

The PFILT command won't run properly at all.
What's strange is that it doesn't run properly
under Linux (Mandrake) or Cygwin, at home or at
work. All installations (home/work & Cygwin/Mandrake)
were from pre-complied binaries.

If PFILT is run by RAD automatically (to turn
an unfinished render into a .pic) then there
aren't any problems. But if you run PFILT
independently, it just starts to spit garbage
to the term, and continues until it's killed
off. It does this no matter what options are
passed to it.

Do I need to have PFILT not be pre-complied
for these systems? Is there some fundamental
thing I'm missing about PFILT? can I only
use PFILT as part of RAD? I haven't tried
to pass options via my .rif file to PFILT
yet, that's my next step, to see if it
behaves then.



may be the caracter '>' is not recognized..... looks strange...
did you:
"pfilt .... pic1 > pic2" ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey McGrew [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 10 September 2003 17:40
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] PFILT is crashing constantly...

I've been having a very strange error,
one that makes me feel like it's something
that I'm doing wrong.

The PFILT command won't run properly at all.
What's strange is that it doesn't run properly
under Linux (Mandrake) or Cygwin, at home or at
work. All installations (home/work & Cygwin/Mandrake)
were from pre-complied binaries.

If PFILT is run by RAD automatically (to turn
an unfinished render into a .pic) then there
aren't any problems. But if you run PFILT
independently, it just starts to spit garbage
to the term, and continues until it's killed
off. It does this no matter what options are
passed to it.

Do I need to have PFILT not be pre-complied
for these systems? Is there some fundamental
thing I'm missing about PFILT? can I only
use PFILT as part of RAD? I haven't tried
to pass options via my .rif file to PFILT
yet, that's my next step, to see if it
behaves then.



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Hi Jeffrey,

Pfilt, like many Radiance commands, sends its output to stdout, which goes to the terminal if you don't redirect it. It sounds to me like you're running it so:

  % pfilt [options] input.pic

When you should be running it like this:

  % pfilt [options] input.pic > output.pic

The redireciton to output.pic with the '>' syntax is critical. Without it, the binary picture that's produced goes to the terminal, resulting in a lot of garbage on your screen.

I admit that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to send binary information to stdout, but this is the way things work best in Unix, since you can easily create piped commands, such as sending pfilt output to ra_* picture conversion programs, etc., using the '|' syntax.



From: "Jeffrey McGrew" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:39:32 AM US/Pacific

I've been having a very strange error,
one that makes me feel like it's something
that I'm doing wrong.
If PFILT is run by RAD automatically (to turn
an unfinished render into a .pic) then there
aren't any problems. But if you run PFILT
independently, it just starts to spit garbage
to the term, and continues until it's killed
off. It does this no matter what options are
passed to it.