Persistent problems on dctimestep and Install

Hi everyone,

It's me again, with new troubles... sorry for that.

I have been trying to implement the Three Phase Method on two different PCs
and two different OS, and not good news so far. Long story short, the NREL
precompiled Radiance for Windows returned only zeroes when dctimestep was
called (Andy McNeil helped me to discard syntax errors ... THANKS FOR
THAT); Ubuntu used to give me no answer, then it took turns between
" not found" and some other similar things, and now it keep
throwing "segmentation fault" (my sky vector is not full of zeroes). I
already tried reinstalling my Linux distribution, compiling the Head
version (I think I did it ok), searching on the web, preinstalling x11 dev
library, and installing Learnix... but "segmentation fault" keeps there, in
the two PCs.

anyway, until now, all my compilations "have had some errors" and
dctimestep has worked some times, but I haven't been able to understand why
sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am pretty stucked here. If
there is any trick for installing RADIANCE or getting the permissions to
avoid "segmentation fault", any advice would help a lot.


Hi Gemán,

You need to provide some information or no one can help you. What were the exact commands you used when you got your errors?



From: Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>
Date: December 3, 2012 5:10:55 PM HST

Hi everyone,

It's me again, with new troubles... sorry for that.

I have been trying to implement the Three Phase Method on two different PCs and two different OS, and not good news so far. Long story short, the NREL precompiled Radiance for Windows returned only zeroes when dctimestep was called (Andy McNeil helped me to discard syntax errors ... THANKS FOR THAT); Ubuntu used to give me no answer, then it took turns between " not found" and some other similar things, and now it keep throwing "segmentation fault" (my sky vector is not full of zeroes). I already tried reinstalling my Linux distribution, compiling the Head version (I think I did it ok), searching on the web, preinstalling x11 dev library, and installing Learnix... but "segmentation fault" keeps there, in the two PCs.

anyway, until now, all my compilations "have had some errors" and dctimestep has worked some times, but I haven't been able to understand why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am pretty stucked here. If there is any trick for installing RADIANCE or getting the permissions to avoid "segmentation fault", any advice would help a lot.


Hi Greg,

For installing I did "sudo ./makeall install" and "sudo ./makeall library".
For the dctimestep use I did:

*dctimestep Matrices/V.vmx
Matrices/Tforward.xml Matrices/D.dmx Matrices/S.skv > results/3phase.txt*


I, of course, had a directory called Matrices where all my files were
stored. The *Tforward.xml* was generating using genBSDF on a simple clear
window, and the Daylight and View matrix were computed folowing the Andy
McNeil tutorial.

I tend to think it is a problem in the configuration of Ubuntu? I mean, the
permissions or something. But I do not know how to fix it.

2012/12/4 Greg Ward <[email protected]>

Hi Gemán,

You need to provide some information or no one can help you. What were
the exact commands you used when you got your errors?


> From: Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>
> Date: December 3, 2012 5:10:55 PM HST
> Hi everyone,
> It's me again, with new troubles... sorry for that.
> I have been trying to implement the Three Phase Method on two different
PCs and two different OS, and not good news so far. Long story short, the
NREL precompiled Radiance for Windows returned only zeroes when dctimestep
was called (Andy McNeil helped me to discard syntax errors ... THANKS FOR
THAT); Ubuntu used to give me no answer, then it took turns between
" not found" and some other similar things, and now it keep
throwing "segmentation fault" (my sky vector is not full of zeroes). I
already tried reinstalling my Linux distribution, compiling the Head
version (I think I did it ok), searching on the web, preinstalling x11 dev
library, and installing Learnix... but "segmentation fault" keeps there, in
the two PCs.
> anyway, until now, all my compilations "have had some errors" and
dctimestep has worked some times, but I haven't been able to understand why
sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am pretty stucked here. If
there is any trick for installing RADIANCE or getting the permissions to
avoid "segmentation fault", any advice would help a lot.

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Forgot to Thank very much!


2012/12/4 Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>

Hi Greg,

For installing I did "sudo ./makeall install" and "sudo ./makeall
library". For the dctimestep use I did:

*dctimestep Matrices/V.vmx
Matrices/Tforward.xml Matrices/D.dmx Matrices/S.skv > results/3phase.txt*
I, of course, had a directory called Matrices where all my files were
stored. The *Tforward.xml* was generating using genBSDF on a simple clear
window, and the Daylight and View matrix were computed folowing the Andy
McNeil tutorial.

I tend to think it is a problem in the configuration of Ubuntu? I mean,
the permissions or something. But I do not know how to fix it.

2012/12/4 Greg Ward <[email protected]>

Hi Gemán,

You need to provide some information or no one can help you. What were
the exact commands you used when you got your errors?


> From: Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>
> Date: December 3, 2012 5:10:55 PM HST
> Hi everyone,
> It's me again, with new troubles... sorry for that.
> I have been trying to implement the Three Phase Method on two different
PCs and two different OS, and not good news so far. Long story short, the
NREL precompiled Radiance for Windows returned only zeroes when dctimestep
was called (Andy McNeil helped me to discard syntax errors ... THANKS FOR
THAT); Ubuntu used to give me no answer, then it took turns between
" not found" and some other similar things, and now it keep
throwing "segmentation fault" (my sky vector is not full of zeroes). I
already tried reinstalling my Linux distribution, compiling the Head
version (I think I did it ok), searching on the web, preinstalling x11 dev
library, and installing Learnix... but "segmentation fault" keeps there, in
the two PCs.
> anyway, until now, all my compilations "have had some errors" and
dctimestep has worked some times, but I haven't been able to understand why
sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am pretty stucked here. If
there is any trick for installing RADIANCE or getting the permissions to
avoid "segmentation fault", any advice would help a lot.

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Hi Germán,

You should never get a segmentation fault in Radiance, whatever you do. At this point, we should take the discussion off-list to work out what is going wrong with your compile and/or operation on Ubuntu. I will send another e-mail shortly. Do not reply to this one.

We will post a summary of what we find to the list when the issue is resolved. There may be some delays as I am presently on vacation.



From: Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>
Date: December 4, 2012 1:36:25 AM HST

Hi Greg,

For installing I did "sudo ./makeall install" and "sudo ./makeall library". For the dctimestep use I did:

dctimestep Matrices/V.vmx Matrices/Tforward.xml Matrices/D.dmx Matrices/S.skv > results/3phase.txt

I, of course, had a directory called Matrices where all my files were stored. The Tforward.xml was generating using genBSDF on a simple clear window, and the Daylight and View matrix were computed folowing the Andy McNeil tutorial.

I tend to think it is a problem in the configuration of Ubuntu? I mean, the permissions or something. But I do not know how to fix it.

2012/12/4 Greg Ward <[email protected]>
Hi Gemán,

You need to provide some information or no one can help you. What were the exact commands you used when you got your errors?


> From: Germán Molina Larrain <[email protected]>
> Date: December 3, 2012 5:10:55 PM HST
> Hi everyone,
> It's me again, with new troubles... sorry for that.
> I have been trying to implement the Three Phase Method on two different PCs and two different OS, and not good news so far. Long story short, the NREL precompiled Radiance for Windows returned only zeroes when dctimestep was called (Andy McNeil helped me to discard syntax errors ... THANKS FOR THAT); Ubuntu used to give me no answer, then it took turns between " not found" and some other similar things, and now it keep throwing "segmentation fault" (my sky vector is not full of zeroes). I already tried reinstalling my Linux distribution, compiling the Head version (I think I did it ok), searching on the web, preinstalling x11 dev library, and installing Learnix... but "segmentation fault" keeps there, in the two PCs.
> anyway, until now, all my compilations "have had some errors" and dctimestep has worked some times, but I haven't been able to understand why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I am pretty stucked here. If there is any trick for installing RADIANCE or getting the permissions to avoid "segmentation fault", any advice would help a lot.