Parallel processing on G5

I'm getting a new dual 2.5 ghz G5 - woohoo!
I just started to peruse chapter 15 in RwR on multiprocessor rendering.
Is that all still valid info for Radiance 3.6.1?
Can anyone tell me any pitfalls to avoid?
I doubt I'll be using rpeice - mostly rpict through rad


Rob F

Fitzsimmons, Rob wrote:

I'm getting a new dual 2.5 ghz G5 - woohoo!

Oh, shut up. =8-) So, that's roughly ten times the net cycles per second my little Powerbook does! That hertz! (groan)

I just started to peruse chapter 15 in RwR on multiprocessor rendering.
Is that all still valid info for Radiance 3.6.1?
Can anyone tell me any pitfalls to avoid?
I doubt I'll be using rpeice - mostly rpict through rad

Well, one nice new thing is that Greg added the -N option to rad in version 3.6, so that you'll be able to do just what you describe. In your case, you'd call rad with -N 2 (for two processors). It seems pretty much point-n-shoot, with that option. Have fun!


    Rob Guglielmetti

-N for "NICE!"


On Dec 1, 2004, at 6:08 PM, Rob Guglielmetti wrote:

Fitzsimmons, Rob wrote:

I'm getting a new dual 2.5 ghz G5 - woohoo!

Oh, shut up. =8-) So, that's roughly ten times the net cycles per second my little Powerbook does! That hertz! (groan)

I just started to peruse chapter 15 in RwR on multiprocessor rendering.
Is that all still valid info for Radiance 3.6.1?
Can anyone tell me any pitfalls to avoid?
I doubt I'll be using rpeice - mostly rpict through rad

Well, one nice new thing is that Greg added the -N option to rad in version 3.6, so that you'll be able to do just what you describe. In your case, you'd call rad with -N 2 (for two processors). It seems pretty much point-n-shoot, with that option. Have fun!

   Rob Guglielmetti

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