
Inspired by the presentation of Jack I want to generate a new database for
the glaze script by running optics2glazedb.
As far as I can see, the program is not included in the latest version
(HEAD)? Where can I find optics2glazedb?


Hi Anne,

This is not in the standard distribution it is something that I put
together. I have placed a copy up on our ftp site. You can download it
as follows:

  1. go to:
  2. username: u36117396-rw2009
  3. passwd: rw20094vis
    The usage is as follows:

optics2glazedb glass_1.mat … glass_n.mat
NOTE that the first glass material description should be for a “clear”

Please let me know if you have any questions.


-Jack de Valpine

Anne Iversen wrote:



-- # Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# #
# channeling technology for superior design and construction


Inspired by the presentation of Jack I want to generate a
new database for the glaze script by running optics2glazedb.

As far as I can see, the program is not included in the latest version
(HEAD)? Where can I find optics2glazedb?



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