obj2rad strange results



I am just getting started with Radiance and i am attempting to find a
workflow which allows the rendering of geometry generated within 3D Studio
Max in Radiance. With my limited expertise the only way in which i can see
of doing this is to export to Wavefront object .obj from 3DS and then use
the obj2rad radiance tool.

The problem with this approach is that the .rad file which is generated by
obj2rad does not appear the same as those that i have used before. When i
try to render these .rad files oconv reports that the beginning of each of
the lines begins with an undefined moodifier.

When i used the resultant octree file in rview it reported a fatal error

"./rview: fatal - (pot.oct): truncated octree"

Any help that you might be able to offer would be very welcome.

Many thanks,

Gareth Beale

Hi Gareth,

It sound's like you need to define materials for your geometry. Obj2rad will convert the obj format geometry to radiance format geometry. It will not convert material definitions. To see what materials need to be defined do the following:

    obj2rad -n my_geometry.obj > my_geometry.data

The -n switch will set obj2rad to only output material related names that are used by the obj geometry. You should look for the names between the following section:

    qualifier Material begin

You can ignore the other sections. These are the names of the materials being used by the geometry. You will need to define them in a radiance material file, for example, if you have a material named: glazing, you would then need to define a material in radiance with the same name:

    void glass glazing
    3 .7 .7 .7

This file would then be included before the geometry files when compiling the scene:

    oconv my_materials.rad my_geometry.rad > my_scene.oct

I hope this helps.


-Jack de Valpine

[email protected] wrote:




I am just getting started with Radiance and i am attempting to find a
workflow which allows the rendering of geometry generated within 3D Studio
Max in Radiance. With my limited expertise the only way in which i can see
of doing this is to export to Wavefront object .obj from 3DS and then use
the obj2rad radiance tool.

The problem with this approach is that the .rad file which is generated by
obj2rad does not appear the same as those that i have used before. When i
try to render these .rad files oconv reports that the beginning of each of
the lines begins with an undefined moodifier.

When i used the resultant octree file in rview it reported a fatal error

"./rview: fatal - (pot.oct): truncated octree"

Any help that you might be able to offer would be very welcome.

Many thanks,

Gareth Beale

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

could you post few lines (10/20) of your converted rad file?
and also which is the command you are using to convert?

if you are still in trouble you may try,
3ds2mgf model.3ds
mgf2rad model.mgf > model.rad

obj2mesh model.obj > model.mesh
and import your object as a mesh into radiance,

void mesh model
1 model.mesh



-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
[email protected]
Sent: 15 May 2007 13:39
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] obj2rad strange results



I am just getting started with Radiance and i am attempting to find a
workflow which allows the rendering of geometry generated within 3D
Max in Radiance. With my limited expertise the only way in which i can
of doing this is to export to Wavefront object .obj from 3DS and then
the obj2rad radiance tool.

The problem with this approach is that the .rad file which is generated
obj2rad does not appear the same as those that i have used before. When
try to render these .rad files oconv reports that the beginning of each
the lines begins with an undefined moodifier.

When i used the resultant octree file in rview it reported a fatal error

"./rview: fatal - (pot.oct): truncated octree"

Any help that you might be able to offer would be very welcome.

Many thanks,

Gareth Beale

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]
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The problem with this approach is that the .rad file which is generated by
obj2rad does not appear the same as those that i have used before.

Is it possible that you have been using the 3ds import before, not obj? There are 3ds2mgf mgf2rad, which allow import of 3ds files into radiance (there is also a combined script around somewhere, search the archives). 3ds2mgf used to try a material conversion, so you got valid rad-files even without editing material definitions.

CU Lars.