To current and future posters to Radiance Discourse:
We ask that you DO NOT POST any output from ChatGPT to this forum. If you do, your post will be flagged as “inappropriate,” and you could be silenced if multiple of your posts are flagged.
Here is why we consider ChatGPT inappropriate for this forum, and possibly for other forums as well:
ChatGPT speaks as if it is knowledgable on any subject, but there isn’t enough Radiance expertise out there for it to build anything approaching real knowledge. It offers only authoritative nonsense.
It has no critical reasoning or anything approaching the understanding of even a beginning user, so the suggestions it makes will only lead you and others astray.
ChatGPT takes information from forums such as this, thus feeding on its own garbage, which is only going to make the problem worse over time.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping answers at a high level of quality moving forward. All voices are welcome, but let’s keep bot plaigarism out of it.
Thank you to everyone here for helping each other so generously.
P.S. Any user may flag a post as “inappropriate,” and we enlist your help in enforcing this new restriction. Only moderators may change or resolve a flag.