Memory issue ranimate


When using ranimate I noticed that after ranimate finished all jobs on localhost and other multiprocessor machines in the network (using ssh), all memory used by rpict remains unuseable. The only solution to free memory is rebooting the machine(s). Is this a known issue?


It's part of the strategy for memory sharing. When everything is finished, you can cat the persistence file (-P or -PP argument) and run "kill PID" where PID is replaced by the process ID from the file. You don't need to reboot, and the process will die on its own after 8 hours. (This is set by the TIMELIM #define in src/rt/persist.c.)



From: iebele <[email protected]>
Date: May 8, 2007 11:52:02 PM PDT


When using ranimate I noticed that after ranimate finished all jobs on localhost and other multiprocessor machines in the network (using ssh), all memory used by rpict remains unuseable. The only solution to free memory is rebooting the machine(s). Is this a known issue?
