Material made of combined trans and mirror vs.BRTDfunc

You may need to decrease the 'specular threshhold' setting. The default
is 0.15, which crudely means that any specular reflection less than 15%
is not accounted for. Depending on how precise you want to go you could
go down to -dt .05 or less, or even to 0, but that may bog down the



Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 5:01 AM

... I have tried to test my "sample" with a glow sky where I rotate
the sample around the x axis. However when I am above a tilt of 45
degrees I get a reflectance of 0... ( My sample have the dimensions 3.5
x 3.5 in x and y and my rtrace point is placed close to the x axis

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