If you were a Photosphere Newbie...

what would you want to see in the Photosphere documentation?

I'm helping Greg with writing the help docs for Photosphere, and
figure it's time to ask around and see what questions may be out

Thus far we've got some information down on how to browse and catalog
images; how to assign keywords, subjects, etc.; and the beginnings of
"tutorials" for how to make HDR images from static images and how to
make panoramas. In the near future, we'll also cover how to import
and export images and records.

Anything else?

Even if you're not a newbie, that's ok -- what do YOU think would be
helpful? What did you struggle with when you first started using it?
What do you still struggle with?

Lastly, is anyone interested in reading the drafts and giving feedback
on what's already written?



Hi Judy,

Thank you for taking the time to develop the documentation of Photosphere!

what would you want to see in the Photosphere documentation?

- Actual content in the Help Viewer system... :wink:

I'm sure you already have these in there, but I'd like to see:
- what a "lock" file is and why it shows up on the desktop
- a "dummy's" explanation of the False Color display and Histogram information (S. Dev., etc.)
- making an HDR from images without EXIF info (setting ASA, exposure time, etc. manually)
- what functions *can* be "undone" and which critical ones (clearing a record, etc.) *cannot.*

Lastly, is anyone interested in reading the drafts and giving feedback
on what's already written?

Sure! Send it on over... but be warned, I use lots of red pixels in my comments!



On Mar 22, 2007, at 6:14 AM, Judy Lai wrote:

Judy Lai wrote:

Lastly, is anyone interested in reading the drafts and giving feedback
on what's already written?

Absolutely, yes.

Everything you're working seems like the right direction for the help files. Thanks, Judy!

- Rob