IES gensky

Hi Core Radiance Developers,
   Has Zack's or an improvement to genksy to account for the IESNA definition been included in the standard Radiance distribution yet? If not, are there plans to do so?
- Dan

Hi Dan,

Nothing yet. We currently don't have any Python scripts in Radiance, but maybe Rob G. has something to say about that...



From: "Daniel C. Glaser" <[email protected]>
Date: April 5, 2013 10:20:47 AM PDT

Hi Core Radiance Developers,
Has Zack's or an improvement to genksy to account for the IESNA definition been included in the standard Radiance distribution yet? If not, are there plans to do so?
- Dan

All I was going to say was that adding another high level language to the
Radiance dependency list was probably not something you'd be interested
in, Greg. OTOH, since gensky ain't goin' noplace (and technically Python
still wouldn't be a dependency since the use of IES_gensky would remain
optional), I personally don't see the issue in adding (and
the .cal file it needs) to the Radiance trunk. It could just be there for
people who want to use it, and since it's even named differently from
gensky its use would be less confusing than the objview/objview.rb
dichotomy we currently have, which is operating system based. Zack would
simply owe you a manpage for it, and we could add IES_gensky to our
install/library routines. We could also consider adding Mark Stocks's
genutahsky to the mix, but since that's written in C it's potentially more
of a support burden than the Python script.(?)

I was gonna stay out of this conversation, but since you asked Greg, the
thread is now two cents richer. =)

- Rob


On 4/5/13 11:28 AM, "Gregory J. Ward" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Dan,

Nothing yet. We currently don't have any Python scripts in Radiance, but
maybe Rob G. has something to say about that...


From: "Daniel C. Glaser" <[email protected]>
Date: April 5, 2013 10:20:47 AM PDT

Hi Core Radiance Developers,
Has Zack's or an improvement to genksy to account for
the IESNA definition been included in the standard Radiance distribution
yet? If not, are there plans to do so?
- Dan

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