How to model electrochromic glazings in radiance?


I am a newby to the Radiance environment and need to build a simple model with multi-state electrochromic glazings. I have looked everywhere and unfortunately, all the publication only discuss their results and none of them explain their modelling procedure. Is there any resources available to help me with this matter?

Hi Diba,

There are probably many ways of doing this, depending on which CBDM approach you use. A key consideration is the spectrum of illumination. You may or may not need to explicitly model this. In fact, if the glazing is ‘well’ controlled, then you probably don’t need to worry about the ‘Smurf’ effect (i.e. a blue distorted spectrum) - see:

J. Mardaljevic, R. Kelly Waskett, and B. Painter. Neutral daylight illumination with variable transmission glass: Theory and validation. Lighting Research and Technology, 48(3):267–285, 05 2016.


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Thank you so much, you article was very helpful.