Hdrgen on Raspberry pi

Hello Radiance community,
I’m exploring potentials for combining HDRIs on a Raspberry Pi. If anyone tried that and is willing to share some tips that would be appreciated! how long did it take to compile an HDRI?

Thank you,
Belal Abboushi

Hi Belal,

@Andrew_McNeil built a version of hdrgen for the Raspberry Pi some years backed, linked to my website’s front page (www.anyhere.com).


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Hi Belal,

As Greg said, @Andrew_McNeil built a version of hdrgen for Raspberry Pi. You can find the installation guide and the code to build HDR images in the following link https://github.com/andyrew/piHDR.

I also recommend you to read the following tutorial, especially the image calibration procedure (Section 2.5).


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dear all. we’re working on an allsky camera on the basis of raspi hq camera modules. unfortunately the sensors (imx477) hdr capability is not supported by raspistill. our question is, wouldn’t it be much more efficient to combine two or three raw pictures (possibly with hdrmerge) instead several more jpg files? if so, do you have experience with rawhdr files? and how would the calibration procedure change? thanks for any hint, roman and christina