Hi Rob.
Hi Lars,
I'm a little hazy on a couple of your questions. When you say "used a WHITE keyword in your IES", do you mean using the "-t white" option in your ies2rad command, or actually adding a keyword to the ies file? Because ies2rad ignores the keywords in the ies file
That's not quite correct. ies2rad looks at the [LAMP] entry and
tries to match an entry in lamp.tab to the string found. Mostly
that doesn't work because there is no standard in naming lamp
sources. The few matches I remember were accidental.
It's better to specify the lamp type on the command line even
if you're not actually interested in the light color. I even thought
about patching ies2rad to make the WHITE type the default and
skip the lookup altogether. That would garantee a predictable
On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]> wrote: