Hi Experts,
we are assisting on a student’s sky luminance project.
We are using a surveillance fisheye camera to observe the sky.
We managed to get the device capturing the 6 images series. (from a Ubuntu machine)
We are now stuck in falsecoloring this test.hdr on ubuntu, ubuntu(WSL), windows; we succeeded only on MacOS.
Thank you for help on this?
Best regards Robert and Johannes.
Case A)
on the Windows machine, ./hdrgen64bit -o test.hdr -a -x -r response_800.rsp ?.jpg
The header of the test.hdr:
CAMERA= a common brand
./hdrgen64bit created HDR image from ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-45_2560.jpg’ ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-42_1280.jpg’ ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-39_640.jpg’ ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-36_320.jpg’ ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-33_160.jpg’ ‘snapshot_2024-10-07_08-58-31_80.jpg’
CAPDATE= 2024:10:07 06:58:45
PRIMARIES= 0.6400 0.3300 0.3000 0.6000 0.1500 0.0600 0.3127 0.3290
-Y 960 +X 1280
then falsecolor -i test.hdr > test_fc.hdr works with error BUT the image is NOT openable in Photoshop, nor is it further processible
The header of the test-fc.hdr (with legend, so it is wider than the original)
CAPDATE= 2024:10:07 09:23:37
GMT= 2024:10:07 07:23:37
falsecolor -i test.hdr
-Y 960 +X 1380
trying to convert this test_fc.hdr on the UBUNTU 22.04 machine by "convert -gamma 2.2 test_fc.hdr test_fc_converted.png throws an error:
convert-im6.q16: improper image header test_fc.hdr' @ error/hdr.c/ReadHDRImage/383. convert-im6.q16: no images defined
test_fc_converted.png’ @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229.
Case B)
on a Ubuntu 22.04.4(WSL) we get ./hdrgen64bit -o test_1-6.hdr -a -x -r response_800.rsp ?.jpg the hdr.
The header of the test_1-6.hdr:
CAMERA= Mobotix Q26 version MX-V5.2.6.7
./hdrgen64bit created HDR image from ‘6.jpg’ ‘5.jpg’ ‘4.jpg’ ‘3.jpg’ ‘2.jpg’ ‘1.jpg’
CAPDATE= 2024:10:07 06:58:45
PRIMARIES= 0.6400 0.3300 0.3000 0.6000 0.1500 0.0600 0.3127 0.3290
-Y 960 +X 1280
and so on
Then trying to falsecolor this hdr to a fc_hdr breaks on “Bad Header” error:$ falsecolor -i test_1-6.hdr > test_1-6_fc.hdr
cannot find font file “helvet.fnt”
/tmp/KxZqHqLd4Y/slabT.hdr: bad picture size
/tmp/KxZqHqLd4Y/slab.hdr: bad picture size
/tmp/KxZqHqLd4Y/slabinv.hdr: bad picture size
Bad header!
The header of the test_1-6_fc.hdr, bear in mind, that the falsecolor CLI interaction throws the “bad header” error.
CAPDATE= 2024:10:07 10:53:48
GMT= 2024:10:07 08:53:48
Case C)
on a MacOS (Macbook Pro M2) it works all fine, we get the falsecolor of our sky-luminance distribution.