eulumdat photometry tools

As I know, handling of luminaire data can cause quite a headache. Just happened to me, as I got some Eulumdat-formatted files. First I tried Carsten's eulum2ies, but it crashes - I guess due to the hight resolution in 1 degree steps for my files. Then I found something quite interesting:

It is a QT-based tool, loading eulumdat files, processing the content so that it can be displayed and edited in tables, creates some plot, and - converts to IES!

Unfortunately I was not able to compile the QT3-sources, my knowledge on QT is limited. But at least the Windows-binary runs without any problems under Wine here.

So maybe someone finds this useful, cheers,


Lars O. Grobe wrote:

As I know, handling of luminaire data can cause quite a headache. Just
happened to me, as I got some Eulumdat-formatted files. First I tried
Carsten's eulum2ies, but it crashes - I guess due to the hight
resolution in 1 degree steps for my files. Then I found something quite

QLumEdit - Eulumdat file editor download |

It is a QT-based tool, loading eulumdat files, processing the content so
that it can be displayed and edited in tables, creates some plot, and -
converts to IES!

Unfortunately I was not able to compile the QT3-sources, my knowledge on
QT is limited. But at least the Windows-binary runs without any problems
under Wine here.

Hint: Qt4 was released a looong time ago now :wink:
On Debian the following works fine to build it:

I have nothing here to test it, but the program stars just fine then.

Have fun,



Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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