Error during genBSDF

Hi there,

I am new to radiance. When I tried to run genBSDF following the blinds tutorial, I got the following error:

rfluxmtx: cannot load ‘-fd’
Failure running rfluxmtx at /usr/local/radiance/bin/genBSDF line 499.

Could I please get some help?

Radiance is run in WSL.


Can you share the exact command you used from the tutorial, and format it
so we can see the quoting you used? This may be a spurious error due to
miscounting of options due to an error in quoting.


The command used was exact the one in the tutorial:

genBSDF +f +b -c 500 -geom inch blinds.rad > blinds.xml

I’m not following you on the formatting and quoting part.


OK, never mind. This appears to be a bug I introduced in rfluxmtx with spectral sampling. I just checked a fix into CVS, which should get recompiled in the coming days. Meanwhile, you can download and install it yourself if you know.

I apologize for the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting the issue.


Hi Greg,

Just to be clear, am I expecting to see a new release or installer here?


Yes, that’s right. It usually updates around the weekend. I’m not sure what governs the decision when to make a new release. I see the automated build system @Mingbo created imported from CVS about 14 hours ago, but then didn’t do a build from it.

The alternative is to rebuild yourself from the CVS HEAD tarball found here.


The current automated workflow checks and syncs CVS source every night, but it would only build a new installer if the last installer was released 7 days ago. So we can expect a new release this weekend (March 24th).

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The new installers just dropped.
