Dear List
I'm looking for alternatives to perform Dynamic Glare evaluations when
using BSDF.
As far as I know DAYSIM and DIVA are not yet supporting the use of BSDF
data, while I know is possible to generate annual glare maps (DGPs)
using Open Studio, I understand that (so far) only few shading/redirecting
systems can be used, but not yet possilbe with "user-defined"
Is it possible to obtain a sort of "equivalent" to the subprogram
gen_dgp_profile using the three-phase method?
When using single time-steps the only use of evalglare is required, but in
the case of annual simulations, an independent calculation of the two terms
of the DGP formula would be the right procedure? Then the second term would
correspond to the evalglare output (with simplified image)?
I'd appreciate your help.
Dear Chantal,
there is a way using gen_dgp-profile also with the 3 or 5 phase method.
Following steps you have to do:
1. calculate with the three/five phase method the vertical illuminance(s) for your glare evaluation points.
2. re-arrange them that you have the typical daysim output (month day hour ill1 ill2 ...) and name it yourname.ill.tmp (it is important to name it *.ill.tmp !)
3.write a .vf (yourviewfile.vf)file with all your viewpoints (1.line=1. viewpoint -> 1st column of your ill file)
3. manipulate a daysim-headerfile ( I recommend to use an old one and just modify what you need) , so that you have following keywords in it (important: here your DONT have the .tmp for the ill file!):
viewpoint_file yourviewfile.vf
material_file yourmaterialfile.rad
geometry_file yourgeometry.rad
put your values here (this is for rome):
latitude 41.8
longitude -12.583
time_zone -15
site_elevation 131
ground_reflectance 0.2
wea_data_file rome.wea
wea_data_file_units 1
first_weekday 1
time_step 60
wea_data_short_file rome.wea
wea_data_short_file_units 1
static_system dummy.dc yourname.ill
4. run gen_dgp_profile like
gen_dgp_profile yourheaderfile.hea -d
gen_dgp_profile is using the advanced simplified method described here:
hope that helps.
good luck,
On 27/03/16 07:19, minchaca wrote:
Dear List
I'm looking for alternatives to perform Dynamic Glare evaluations when using BSDF.
As far as I know DAYSIM and DIVA are not yet supporting the use of BSDF data, while I know is possible to generate annual glare maps (DGPs)
using Open Studio, I understand that (so far) only few shading/redirecting systems can be used, but not yet possilbe with "user-defined"
Is it possible to obtain a sort of "equivalent" to the subprogram gen_dgp_profile using the three-phase method?
When using single time-steps the only use of evalglare is required, but in the case of annual simulations, an independent calculation of the two terms of the DGP formula would be the right procedure? Then the second term would correspond to the evalglare output (with simplified image)?
I'd appreciate your help.
Radiance-daysim mailing list
[email protected]
Dr.-Ing. Jan Wienold
Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne (EPFL)
LE 1 111 (Office)
Phone +41 21 69 30849
Hi Jan
Thanks a lot! Sorry for the late reply... I've been exploring the use of
the Three Phase Method for this, but its actually so useful to know the
method for doing it using also gen_dgp_profile, I'll give it a try as
well...and...I might be back in case of questions.
Thank you very much!
2016-04-30 12:59 GMT-05:00 Jan Wienold <[email protected]>:
Dear Chantal,
there is a way using gen_dgp-profile also with the 3 or 5 phase method.
Following steps you have to do:
1. calculate with the three/five phase method the vertical illuminance(s)
for your glare evaluation points.
2. re-arrange them that you have the typical daysim output (month day hour
ill1 ill2 ...) and name it yourname.ill.tmp (it is important to name it
*.ill.tmp !)
3.write a .vf (yourviewfile.vf)file with all your viewpoints (1.line=1.
viewpoint -> 1st column of your ill file)
3. manipulate a daysim-headerfile ( I recommend to use an old one and just
modify what you need) , so that you have following keywords in it
(important: here your DONT have the .tmp for the ill file!):
viewpoint_file yourviewfile.vf
material_file yourmaterialfile.rad
geometry_file yourgeometry.rad
put your values here (this is for rome):
latitude 41.8
longitude -12.583
time_zone -15
site_elevation 131
ground_reflectance 0.2
wea_data_file rome.wea
wea_data_file_units 1
first_weekday 1
time_step 60
wea_data_short_file rome.wea
wea_data_short_file_units 1
static_system dummy.dc yourname.ill
4. run gen_dgp_profile like
gen_dgp_profile yourheaderfile.hea -d
gen_dgp_profile is using the advanced simplified method described here:
hope that helps.
good luck,
On 27/03/16 07:19, minchaca wrote:
Dear List
I'm looking for alternatives to perform Dynamic Glare evaluations when
using BSDF.
As far as I know DAYSIM and DIVA are not yet supporting the use of BSDF
data, while I know is possible to generate annual glare maps (DGPs)
using Open Studio, I understand that (so far) only few shading/redirecting
systems can be used, but not yet possilbe with "user-defined"
Is it possible to obtain a sort of "equivalent" to the subprogram
gen_dgp_profile using the three-phase method?
When using single time-steps the only use of evalglare is required, but in
the case of annual simulations, an independent calculation of the two terms
of the DGP formula would be the right procedure? Then the second term would
correspond to the evalglare output (with simplified image)?
I'd appreciate your help.
Radiance-daysim mailing [email protected]://
Dr.-Ing. Jan Wienold
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
LE 1 111 (Office)
Phone +41 21 69 30849
Radiance-daysim mailing list
[email protected]