Does it use climate data for glare analysis?


EVALGLARE, Does it use any sort of climate data for glare analysis.

According to my knowledge, it only analysis from an HDR image.
Can anybody confirm this doubt.

Nithya merin

Correct, evalglare evaluates an HDR image to do the work. You could use climate data and evalglare together, by using Radiance and gendaylit to generate an HDR image of a scene, and evalglare to perform the glare analysis.



Rob Guglielmetti
NREL Commercial Buildings Research Group
Golden, CO 80401
[email protected]


-----Original Message-----
From: nithya merin [[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 01:32 PM Mountain Standard Time
To: [email protected]
Subject: [HDRI] Does it use climate data for glare analysis?


EVALGLARE, Does it use any sort of climate data for glare analysis.

According to my knowledge, it only analysis from an HDR image.
Can anybody confirm this doubt.

Nithya merin

Hi Nithya,

evalglare calculates daylight glare probability based on luminance maps. It is up to you how you generate these. If you use simulation tools, they may be based on climate data, depending on how you set up your models. If you use a camera, they will probably be snapshots of the conditions when you took your picture.

Cheers, Lars.



EVALGLARE, Does it use any sort of climate data for glare analysis.

According to my knowledge, it only analysis from an HDR image.
Can anybody confirm this doubt.

Nithya merin