Coefficient '179'

Hi everybody!

I have almost finished my thesys about tunnel lighting simulation in Radiance.

My teacher, reading it, was curious to know something more about the '179' coefficient which appear in Conversion from radiance to luminance. Can anyone give me some information about were it comes from or any reference I can have a look at?

Thanks in advance

Lucio Boscolo

Hi Lucio,

Have a look at:

  Radiance Digest v2n0

Another mention:

  Radiance Digest, v2n2



From: "loscotec\@libero\.it" <[email protected]>
Date: April 10, 2008 9:09:41 AM PDT

Hi everybody!

I have almost finished my thesys about tunnel lighting simulation in Radiance.

My teacher, reading it, was curious to know something more about the '179' coefficient which appear in Conversion from radiance to luminance. Can anyone give me some information about were it comes from or any reference I can have a look at?

Thanks in advance

Lucio Boscolo