Cmd rfluxmtx run command error is missing

Trying to run a 3-phase rfluxmtx command as follows and getting the error:

C:\Users\yafim>rfluxmtx -v -I+ -ab 4 -ad 4096 -lw 2e-05 -n 16 -y 820 - “C:\ViewSense\3D\Rhino\CR1\Data Results\b195_3phase\three_phase_prep\Model_1\radiance\resources\view_matrices\rfluxmtx\rfluxmtx_vmtx_all.rad” -i “C:\ViewSense\3D\Rhino\CR1\Data Results\b195_3phase\three_phase_prep\Model_1\radiance\resources\octree_sky_no_aps.oct” < “C:\ViewSense\3D\Rhino\CR1\Data Results\b195_3phase\three_phase_prep\Model_1\radiance\model\grid\Room_e6148934-a88e-4d2e-bb4f-f81cca2ef949-007253f2.pts”

rfluxmtx: running: rcontrib -fo+ -ab 4 -ad 4096 -lw 2e-05 -n 16 -I+ -y 820 -faa -c 1 -f -p RHS=+1 -bn Nkbins -b kbin(-0.598838,0.19424,-0.776958,0,0,1) -m generic_exterior_window_vis_0.64 -p RHS=+1 -bn Nkbins -b kbin(-1,0,0,0,0,1) -m generic_opaque_door_0.50 “!oconv -f -i C:\ViewSense\3D\Rhino\CR1\Data Results\b195_3phase\three_phase_prep\Model_1\radiance\resources\octree_sky_no_aps.oct “C:\ViewSense\3D\Rhino\CR1\Data Results\b195_3phase\three_phase_prep\Model_1\radiance\resources\view_matrices\rfluxmtx\rfluxmtx_vmtx_all.rad””

rcontrib: system - cannot find function file “”: No such file or directory

Not really clear where I can find this file or how to implement the command with it or otherwise…?
Any ideas?


This is a standard Radiance library file that should have been installed in one of the $RAYPATH directories on your system. Did you use the standard installer, or your own process?

You may be able to remedy by copying the requisite file from ray/src/util to your operating directory or (better) one listed in the $RAYPATH environment variable.


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