clear sky-calculated indoor illuminance is too lower than that of cloudy sky???

Hi, all,

  I'm trying to use ESP-r coupling Radiance to perform thermal integrating
daylight use simulation.

  And I have performed 7 days simulation with 1 hour timestep, which means I
got 168 illuminance numbers of one indoor test point. I find calculated
illuminances of 6 days is basically close to the measured data. But1 day is
exceptional, there is a big difference between calculated illuminances and
meaured ones. That1 day is a very clear sky because that day has a highest
direct and diffuse radiation of those 7days, but the measured illuminance is
much lower than other six days. Anybody can tell why? and how to modifiy?

Thank you for your time.

Hi, all,

sorry for the mistake in the last email.

  I'm trying to use ESP-r coupling Radiance to perform thermal integrating
daylight use simulation.

  And I have performed 7 days simulation with 1 hour timestep, which means I
got 168 illuminance numbers of one indoor test point. I find calculated
illuminances of 6 days is basically close to the measured data. But1 day is
exceptional, there is a big difference between calculated illuminances and
meaured ones. That1 day is a very clear sky because that day has a highest
direct and diffuse radiation of those 7days, but the simulated illuminance
with radiance is
much lower than other six days. Anybody can tell why? and how to modifiy?

Thank you for your time.


ESP-r calculate the indoor illuminance of a point with Daylight Coefficient
approach. I think its model should be no problem.

and I have another question,
if the sky and ground characters are determined and no indoor artificial
lights, then what will affect the indoor illuminance hugely? glass color,
glass transmitance, or interior face color of the wall?
my glass.rad file is as follows, the REG parameter 0.96 0.96 0.96 is key to
indoor illuminance?

void glass HK-PV-ex
3 0.96 0.96 0.96

skyfunc brightfunc window_dist
2 winxmit

window_dist illum window_illum
1 HK-PV-ex
3 0.098 0.098 0.098

#@mkillum e=HK-PV-ex d=48 s=32
window_illum polygon inner-room:Wall-10
    1.80 -0.74 2.32000
    1.80 -0.74 0.30400
    0.98 -0.40 0.30400
    0.98 -0.40 2.32000

kind regards,