Cannot run/locate pabopto2bsdf

Dear all,

I want to generate BRDF data in .xml format from goniophotometer measurements using the pabopto2bsdf → bsdf2tree workflow.
I am not sure if I am missing something very basic, but I am not able to run pabopto2bsdf, I am not even able to locate pabopto2bsdf in the Radiance installation folder (I am working on Windows - the operating system -, so I assume pabopto2bsdf should be found in C:\Radiance\bin by default?)
Other programs like genBSDF, bsdf2tree and bsdf2klems are all there and work. I tried Radiance versions 5.4 and 5.2.

Thank you for your help,

Welcome, Jakob!
Building pabtopto utilities is turned off for some reason. We will turn it on for the next release if there is no technical issue. You can compile from source if you need it now.

Hi Taoning,
Thanks for the quick answer! Do you roughly know when the next release will be (as I have not done compiling from source code before and also don’t really know if I managet to do)

Kind regards,

Hi Jakob,

The builds happen automatically each week. Looks like the cmake variable BUILD_PABOPTO_UTILS needs to be set for pabopto2bsdf to be built. The bsdf2klems and bsdf2ttree programs should be present in the current builds.

We’ll see if we can get pabopto2bsdf into the default builds for next week.


Hi Greg,

Thanks a lot, then I will wait for the next build.

Greetings from Germany,