Can you change the default colors in falsecolor images

Hi Shrikar,

I suppose you have discovered the -pal and -palettes options, but this still doesn't give you what you want?

You can create custom scales using the -r, -g and -b options. Here is an example for a 3-step blue-yellow-white scale:

falsecolor �ip picture.hdr �s 5000 �r �if(v-0.3,1,0)� \
�g �if(v-0.3,1,0)� �b �if(v-0.3,if(v-0.7,1,0)1)� > picture_fc.hdr

It requires a bit of cal magic. You may also look at the falsecolor code for inspiration.




On 28/08/14 21:20, Shrikar Bhave wrote:

Hello All,

Got this unusual request. I am not sure how I can change that. Any
Can I set custom colors based on say min/max and number of desired steps
in between?
I am looking at both Luminance and Illuminance falsecolor images.
Has anyone attempted that before, if yes, any examples?



P.S> Apologies for my past emails with attachments, I promise I will be
diligent next time!

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

HI Axel,

So far, I had not come across -pal and -palettes options! I will look into
it. Thanks for the command for the custom scales, that looks promising. My
initial reaction was I will need to tweak/play with the code for
falsecolor, but this looks like something I can actually do :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!



On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Axel Jacobs <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Shrikar,

I suppose you have discovered the -pal and -palettes options, but this
still doesn't give you what you want?

You can create custom scales using the -r, -g and -b options. Here is an
example for a 3-step blue-yellow-white scale:

falsecolor –ip picture.hdr –s 5000 –r ‘if(v-0.3,1,0)’ \
–g ‘if(v-0.3,1,0)’ –b ‘if(v-0.3,if(v-0.7,1,0)1)’ > picture_fc.hdr

It requires a bit of cal magic. You may also look at the falsecolor code
for inspiration.



On 28/08/14 21:20, Shrikar Bhave wrote:

Hello All,

Got this unusual request. I am not sure how I can change that. Any
Can I set custom colors based on say min/max and number of desired steps
in between?
I am looking at both Luminance and Illuminance falsecolor images.
Has anyone attempted that before, if yes, any examples?



P.S> Apologies for my past emails with attachments, I promise I will be
diligent next time!

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]