Ambient exclude transfomed material in instances


I have a complex scene in which I use instances which I want to exclude from ambient calculation.

The problem is that I use !xform ..... with file A that include materials to create another file B that is later used as an instance.
I need the materials in file A excluded from ambient calculation.
The exclusion does not seem to work in my case, which makes the rendering times enormous ( lightyear - 0.01 % progress per hour in the picturel, very very much rays )

Any help is most welcome.


This is how I build up the scene:

*File /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/blad.rad contains:*

## A single leaf


# images must be included in this file, needs transform too (in xform)

void colorpict
19 red green blue
tile_u tile_v
-s 1.0 -rx 0 -ry 0 -rz 0 -t -0.5 0 0
0 1 1.13149171

# MATERIAL plastic AL05lef_color.pic.0.col
0 0 5
2 2 2
0.0 0

# Mixture
void mixpict AL05lef_color.pic.0.trans
19 AL05lef_color.pic.0.col void green
pic_u pic_v
-s 1 -rx 0 -ry 0 -rz 0 -t -0.5 0 0
0 1 1.13149171

# The leaf
AL05lef_color.pic.0.trans polygon AL05lef_color.pic.0.polygon
0 0 12
-0.5 0 0
0.5 0 0
0.5 0 1.13149171
-0.5 0 1.13149171

*file AL05m.raw (leaves of a tree) contains many lines like:*

!xform -rx 60.095138 -ry 47.844579 -rz 7.070462 -s 0.200000 -t -0.322761 0.124242 14.044600 /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/blad.rad

*The octree of the tree (AL05m.raw) and the leaves **is build like:*

oconv -w- -f /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/blad.rad /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/AL05m.mat /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/AL05m.raw > AL05m.oct

File bomen.rad contains lines like:

*# boom plein_gevel
void instance boom_plein_gevel
-s .9
-rz 56.018930
-t -6.509 93.251 -2.6
The scene is compiled like:*

oconv -w- sky.rad otherstuff.raw bomen.raw > model.oct

*File /disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/ contains the line:*

-ae AL05m.dxf_Default -ae AL05m.dxf_bark_col -ae AL05m.dxf_bark_col_leaf_a -ae AL05m.dxf_bark_col_roots1 -ae AL05m.dxf_leaf_col_leaf2 -ae AL05m.dxf_leaf_col -ae AL05lef_color.pic.0.col -ae AL05lef_color.pic.0.trans

*The scene is rendered like:

*rpict -x 16000 -y 16000 -lr 4 -t 300 -ab 4 -st 0.01 -ar 128 -dp 512 -dr 3 -dc .5 -dt .05 -ds .15 -aa .15 -ar 128 -ad 512 -as 256 -av 3 3 3 -vf hermitage17.vp @/disk12/Bilbliotheek/Xfrog/AL05_Aesculus_hippocastanum_Horse_Chestnut/ model.oct | pfilt -1 -x 4000 -y 4000 > hermitage17.pic*