ambient calculation

how do enviroments affect ambient calculation?, the ambient resolution
depends on the scene size, do source geometry afects that size? or if we
define a big box around our model with enviroment, do it affect ambient
calculation and we lose ambient resolution with it?


The actual distance at which the ambient calculation starts to degrade is the octree bounding cube size, which is the final number reported by "getinfo -d octree", divided by the -ar setting. Source geometry affects this like any other geometry, except for distant sources, which are not really geometry per se.



From: Ignacio Munárriz <[email protected]>
Date: April 24, 2006 11:01:56 AM PDT

how do enviroments affect ambient calculation?, the ambient resolution
depends on the scene size, do source geometry afects that size? or if we
define a big box around our model with enviroment, do it affect ambient
calculation and we lose ambient resolution with it?
